Saturday, September 26, 2009

PART TWENTY-FIVE: Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

Editor's note: All notations will be cited when this series of articles have concluded. The information is based on research contained in Tom Horn's upcoming new book:

The Lost Symbol Found And The Final Mystery Of The Great Seal Revealed
A Terrifying And Prophetic Cipher, Hidden From The World By The U.S. Government For Over 200 Years Is Here

When Apollo/Osiris/Nimrod, Son of Lucifer, Shall Come
Seek ye where the broken twig lies and the dead stick molds away, where the clouds float together and the stones rest by the hillside, for all these mark the grave of Hiram [Osiris] who has carried my Will with him to the tomb. This eternal quest is yours until ye have found your Builder, until the cup giveth up its secret, until the grave giveth up its ghosts. No more shall I speak until ye have found and rasied my beloeved Son [Osiris], and have listened to the words of my Messenger and with Him as your guide have finished the temple which I shall then inhabit. Amen.—Manly P. Hall, The Lost Keys of Freemasonry, Prologue
Recently on a business trip to Washington DC, I and one of my colleagues met with two current members of the Scottish Rite Freemasonry (whose names I will not reveal), who have unrestricted access to all but the most secret and highest guarded documents of the Order. I joined one of them at The House of the Temple, the headquarters building of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, Southern Jurisdiction, where the Rite’s Supreme Council, 33rd Degree, have their meetings, and the other at the George Washington Masonic Memorial in Alexandria, Virginia. While both men were very helpful and informative, they were evasive whenever I probed too deeply into certain areas. I suppose this is not surprising, given that Masons are sworn to secrecy under blood oaths of horrific repercussion, including having their throats slit, eyeballs pierced, tongues torn out, feet flayed, bodies hacked into pieces, and so on if they give up the wrong information. Perhaps this is why at one point, one of the men I conferred with became visibly nervous as soon as I started asking specific questions about Masonic religious practices, which would include secret rituals that are performed in the Temple Room on the third floor at the House of the Temple, and the hidden meaning behind the name of their deity—the Great Architect of the Universe.

What most in the public do not understand is that, in spite of denial by some Masons, theirs is a religious institution with rituals and specific prophetic beliefs concerning a human-transforming final world order, founded on and maintained by dozens of doctrines that can be defined by what “Masonry’s greatest philosopher,” Manly P. Hall, in The Lost Keys of Freemasonry called “the principles of mysticism and the occult rites.” The reason lower-degree Masons would deny this is because the Masters of the Craft intentionally mislead them. Speaking of the first three degrees of Freemasonry, Albert Pike admitted in Morals & Dogma:
The Blue Degrees are but the outer court or portico of the Temple. Part of the symbols are displayed there to the initiate, but he is intentionally misled by false interpretations. It is not intended that he shall understand them; but it is intended that he shall imagine he understands them. Their true explication is reserved for the Adepts, the Princes of Masonry.… It is well enough for the mass of those called Masons to imagine that all is contained in the Blue Degrees; and whoso attempts to undeceive them will labor in vain, and without any true reward violate his obligations as an Adept.
At these lower degrees, most members of Freemasonry belong to what is maintained as a fraternal organization that simply requires belief in a “Supreme Being” while avoiding discussion of politics and religion in the lodge, using metaphors of stonemasons building Solomon’s temple to convey what they publicly describe as “a system of morality veiled in allegory and illustrated by symbols.” I’ve known several of these type Masons, all of whom were sincere members of society who worked together in a brotherhood for common benefit and to pool resources for charitable goals. None of these lower-degree Masons with whom I have been acquainted would ever, insofar as I know, participate in a conspiracy toward a global world order in which people will be politically and spiritually enslaved. But as one former Freemason friend (a US attorney known to many) told me, “This is the veneer of the lower degrees that exists on the Order’s public face. What is happening with at least some of the members at the 33rd level, or among the York Rite Knights Templar and the Shriners, is another matter altogether. When I was part of the brotherhood,” he continued, “I watched as specific members with the correct disposition and ideology were identified, separated, groomed, and initiated into the higher degrees for reasons you would find corresponding with the goals of a New World Order.”

Famous Freemason Foster Bailey once described how the Masons not included among this elite are unaware of an “Illuminati” presence among Master Masons, who in turn are the guardians of a secret “Plan”:
Little as it may be realised by the unthinking Mason who is interested only in the outer aspects of the Craft work, the whole fabric of Masonry may be regarded as an externalisation of that inner spiritual group whose members, down the ages, have been the Custodians of the Plan.… These Master Masons, to whom TGAOTU [The Great Architect of the Universe] has given the design and Who are familiar with the tracing board of the G.M. [Grand Master] on high, are…sometimes known as the Illuminati and can direct the searchlight of truth wherever its beams are needed to guide the pilgrim on his way. They are the Rishis of the oriental philosophy, the Builders of the occult tradition.”
Part of the carefully guarded Illuminati “Plan” Bailey referred to involves the need for each Mason to navigate the meaning behind the various rituals in order to discover the secret doctrine of Masonry involving the true identity of deity and what this means now and for the future (which is unveiled for the first time publicly in my upcoming book as reflected in the true Lost Symbol and the prophecy of the Great Seal of the United States). Manly Hall, who rightly called the Great Seal “the signature” of that exalted body of Masons who designed America for a “peculiar and particular purpose,” described these two kinds of Masons as members of a “fraternity within a fraternity,” the elect of which are dedicated to a mysterious arcanum arcandrum (a “sacred secret”) unknown to the rest of the Order:
Freemasonry is a fraternity within a fraternity—an outer organization concealing an inner brotherhood of the elect. …it is necessary to establish the existence of these two separate yet independent orders, the one visible and the other invisible. The visible society is a splendid camaraderie of “free and accepted” men enjoined to devote themselves to ethical, educational, fraternal, patriotic, and humanitarian concerns. The invisible society is a secret and most august fraternity whose members are dedicated to the service of a mysterious arcanum arcandrum. Those brethren who have essayed to write the history of their craft have not included in their disquisitions the story of that truly secret inner society which is to the body Freemasonic what the heart is to the body human. In each generation only a few are accepted into the inner sanctuary of the work…the great initiate-philosophers of Freemasonry are…masters of that secret doctrine which forms the invisible foundation of every great theological and rational institution.
Among dedicatories to those who support this “invisible” secret doctrine, there is a memorial alcove in the heart of the House of the Temple called the “Pillars of Charity.” Here, between two vaults on either side—one containing the exhumed remains of former Sovereign Grand Commander Albert Pike and the other containing Sovereign Grand Commander John Henry Cowles, marked by busts of each man on marble pedestals—a stained-glass window depicts the all-seeing eye above the words “Fiat Lux” emitting thirty-three beams of light downward onto the phrase “ordo ab chao” from ancient craft Masonic doctrine, “order out of chaos.”

In between meetings with the anonymous Masons who met with me during research for this book, I stepped into this shrine and read the names of those who are hallowed there on reflective golden inscriptions for contributing at least one million dollars to advance the cause of Scottish Rite Freemasonry, including the George Bush family, whose work to initiate the New World Order is universally understood.

At the House of the Temple, like elsewhere, “The Brotherhood of Darkness” (as my friend Dr. Stanley Monteith calls it) intentionally hides in plain sight the occult aspirations of universalism, which ultimately will be conceived in a one-world order and one-world religion under the son of Lucifer—Apollo/Osiris/Nimrod—or, as Manly Hall put it:
The outcome of the “secret destiny” is a World Order ruled by a King with supernatural powers. This King was descended of a divine race; that is, he belonged to the Order of the Illumined for those who come to a state of wisdom then belong to a family of heroes-perfected human beings.
When Hall offered this astonishingly perceptive commentary about the future Masonic “King” who is “descended of a divine race” of “Illumined” (Luciferic) “heroes-perfected” (half-man, half-god) human beings, he nailed exactly what the Watchers had done, and what the Cumaean Sibyl’s Great Seal prophecy says will occur concerning the coming of Apollo/Osiris/Nimrod. In my new book Apollyon Rising 2012 (which I am feverishly trying to get finished for the editors this weekend) it is revealed for the first time how all this is fantastically encoded—using ancient alchemical symbolism—on the grandest scale inside as well as right out in the open—in the midst of the world’s most powerful nation… and at the world’s most powerful church, where the true Lost Symbol is written in stone. Forget what Dan Brown’s new book says, we are talking the greatest conspiracy of all time winding down toward the year 2012.

Have the keepers of this secret destiny of America also hidden in public view the timing of their king’s arrival? They did, and the entire prophecy—who, what, when, and where—is openly ciphered within several Masonic artifacts: the national cipher known as the Great Seal of the United States, in the Womb of Isis, and in the “key” known as The Lost Symbol. The means to understanding when the novus ordo seclorum shall enthrone its Apollonian leader may have also been known by Hall, as he correctly noted that the “unfinished pyramid” upon the seal’s reverse side is the “trestleboard setting forth symbolically the task to the accomplishment of which the United States Government was dedicated from the day of its inception.”

Friday, September 18, 2009

PART TWENTY-FOUR: Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

Editor's note: All notations will be cited when this series of articles have concluded. The information is based on research contained in Tom Horn's upcoming new book:

The Lost Symbol Found And The Final Mystery Of The Great Seal Revealed
A Terrifying And Prophetic Cipher, Hidden From The World By The U.S. Government For Over 200 Years Is Here


A year or two ago, my wife Nita brought up a point I had never considered up until then. She asked if the biblical Mark of the Beast might be a conspiracy employing biotechnology in the form of a manufactured virus, a bioweapon. Her theory was gripping. An occult elite operating behind the US Government devises a virus that is a crossover between human and animal disease, let’s say an entirely new and highly contagious influenza mutation, and intentionally releases it into the public. A pandemic ensues, and the period between when a person contracts the virus and death is something like 10 days. With tens of thousands dead in a few weeks and the rate of death increasing hourly around the globe, a universal cry for a cure goes out. Seemingly miraculously, the government then steps forward with a vaccine. The only catch, they explain, is that given the nature of the animal-human strain, the “cure” rewrites one’s genetics, so that they are no longer entirely human. Nita’s point was that those who receive this antidote would become part “beast” and thus the title, “Mark of the Beast.”

No longer “entirely human” would also mean—according to this outline—that the individual could no longer be “saved” or go to heaven, explaining why the book of Revelation says “whosoever receiveth the mark” is damned forever while also explaining why the Nephilim could similarly not be redeemed. If one imagines the global chaos of such a pandemic, the concept of how the Antichrist “causes all” both small and great to receive this mark becomes clearer. When looking into the eyes of dying children, parents, or a spouse, it would be incredibly difficult to allow oneself to die or to encourage others to do the same. Lastly, this scenario would mean that nobody is allowed to “buy or sell” in the marketplace without the mark-cure due to the need to quarantine all but the inoculated, thus fulfilling all aspects of the Mark of the Beast prophecy.

To find if the science behind this abstract would be as reasonable as it appeared on the surface, I contacted Sharon Gilbert. This was her troubling response:
Tom, what is human? Until recently, most of us would readily respond that we are humans. You and I, we might argue, are homo sapiens: erect, bipedal hominids with 23 pairs of matched chromosomes and nifty little thumbs capable of apposition to the palm that enable us to grasp the fine tools that our highly developed, bi-lobed brains devise.
Humans, we might argue, sit as rulers of the Earth, gazing down from the pinnacle of a pyramid consisting of all plant and animal species. We would remind the listener that natural selection and evolution have developed mankind into a superior thinker and doer, thereby granting us royal privilege, if not infinite responsibility.
The Bible would take this definition much further, of course, adding that mankind is the only part of God’s creation formed by His hands, rather than spoken into existence, and that you and I bear God’s unique signature as having been created ‘in His image’. (Genesis 1:27)
Many members of the ‘illuminated brotherhood of science’ would likely demur to the previous statement. These have, in point of fact, redefined human. Like Shelley’s Modern Prometheus, Victor Frankenstein, today’s molecular magicians play ‘god’ not by stitching together rotting corpses, but by reforming the very essence of our beings: our DNA.
So-called ‘Postmodern Man’ began as a literary reference but has evolved into an iconicmetaphor representing a collective image of perfected humanity beyond the confines of genetic constraints. Transhumanism, also known as the H+ movement (see for example) envisions a higher lifeform yet, surpassing homo sapiens in favor of homo sapiens 2.0, a bioengineered construct that fuses man’s original genome with animal and/or synthetic DNA.
While such claims ring of science fiction, they are indeed science fact. For decades, laboratories have created chimeric combinations of animal, plant, and even human DNA under the guise of medical research. The stated goal is to better man’s lot by curing disease, but this benign mask hides an inner, sardonic grin that follows an ancient blueprint to blend God’s perfect creature with the seed of fallen angels: ‘You shall be as gods’.

You and Nita speak to the heart of the matter when you warn of a day when true humans may unknowingly receive transhuman instructions via an implant or injection. A seemingly innocuous vaccine or identification ‘chip’ can initiate intracellular changes, not only in somatic or ‘body’ cells but also in germline cells such as ova and sperm. The former alters the recipient only; the latter alters the recipient’s doomed descendents as well.
In my second novel, The Armageddon Strain, I present a device called the ‘BioStrain Chip’ that employs nanotechnology to induce genetic changes inside the carrier’s body. This miracle chip is advertised as a cure for the H5N1/ebola chimera that is released in the Prologue to the book. Of course, if you’ve read the novel, then you know the BioStrain chip does far more than ‘cure’—it also kills.

Though a work of fiction, The Armageddon Strain raises a chilling question: what limitations lie within the payload of a biochip? Can such a tiny device do more than carry digitized information? Could it actually serve as the Mark of the Beast?
The answer is yes.

DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid) has become the darling of researchers who specialize in synthetic constructs. The ‘sticky end’ design of the DNA double-helix makes it ideal for use in computing. Though an infinite number of polyhedra are possible, the most robust and stable of these ‘building blocks’ is called the double crossover (DX). An intriguing name, is it not? The double-cross.
Picture an injectible chip comprised of DNA-DX, containing instructions for a super-soldier. Picture, too, how this DNA framework, if transcribed, might also serve a second, sinister purpose—not only to instruct, but also to alter.

Mankind has come perilously far in his search for perfection through chemistry. Although millennia passed with little progress beyond roots, herbs, and alchemical quests for gold from lead, the 20th century ushered science into the rosy dawn of breathless discovery. Electricity, lighter than air travel, wireless communication, and computing transformed the ponderous pace of the scientific method into a light speed race toward self-destruction.
By the mid-1950s, Watson and Crick had solved the structure of the DNA molecule and the double helix became all the rage. Early gene splicing, and thus transgenics, began in 1952 as a crude, cut and paste sort of science cooked up in kitchen blenders and petri dishes—as much accident as inspiration. As knowledge has increased (Daniel 12:4), genetic scientists learned to utilize microbiological ‘vectors’ and sophisticated methods to insert animal or plant genes from one specie into another. It’s the ultimate ‘Mr. Potato Head’ game, where interchangeable plastic pieces give rise to an infinite number of combinations; only, in genetic splicing, humanity is the unhappy potato.
Vectors provide the means of transport and integration for this brave new science. Think of these vectors as biological trucks that carry genetic building materials and workers into your body’s cells. Such ‘trucks’ could be a microsyringe, a bacterium, or a virion (a virus particle). Any entity that can carry genetic information (the larger the load capacity, the better) and then surreptitiously gain entry into the cell as a potential vector. Viruses, for example, can be stripped of certain innate genes that might harm the cell. Not only does this (supposedly) render the viral delivery truck ‘harmless’, it also clears out space for the cargo.
Once inside the cell, the ‘workers’ take over. Some of these ‘workers’ are enzymes that cut human genes at specific sites while others integrate—or load—the ‘cargo’ into appropriate reading frames—like microscopic librarians. Once the payload is stored in the cell’s nuclear ‘library stacks’, the new genes can be translated, copied, and ‘read’ to produce altered or brand new, ‘alien’ polymers and proteins.
The resulting hybrid cell is no longer purely human. If a hybridized skin cell, it may now glow, or perhaps form scales rather than hair; claws rather than fingernails. If a brain cell, the new genetic instructions could produce an altered neurotransmitter that reduces or even eliminates the body’s need for sleep. Muscle cells may grow larger and more efficient at using low levels of calcium and oxygen. Retina cells may encode for receptors that enable the ‘posthuman being’ to perceive infrared or ultraviolet light frequencies. The hybrid ears may now sense a wider range of sounds, taste buds a greater range of chemicals. Altered brains might even attune to metaphysics and ‘unseen’ gateways, allowing communication with supernatural realms.
Germline alterations, mentioned earlier, form a terrifying picture of generational development and may very well already be a reality. Genetic ‘enhancement’ of sperm-producing cells would change human sperm into tiny infiltrators, and any fertilized ovum a living chimera. Science routinely conducts experiments with transgenic mice, rats, chickens, pigs, cows, horses, and many other species. It is naïve to believe humans have been left out of this transgenic equation.
You and I constantly battle mutagenic assaults from external and internal pressures. Externally, our cells endure daily bombardment by pollution, waveform radiation, and chemicals that can alter the molecular structure of nucleotides (guanine, cytosine, thymine, adenine). Internally, our systems work overtime to filter genetically altered food, impure water, and pharmaceuticals. Our bodies are changing. To paraphrase Shakespeare, humanity “alters when it alteration finds”. (Sonnet 116)

If so many scientists (funded by government entities) believe in the ‘promise’ of genetic alteration and transgenic ‘enhancement’, how then can humanity remain human? We cannot. We will not. Perhaps, some have not.
Spiritually, the enemy has ever sought to corrupt God’s plan. Originally, fallen angels lay with human women to corrupt the original base pair arrangements. Our genome is filled with ‘junk DNA’ that seemingly encodes for nothing. These ‘introns’ may be the remains of the corrupted genes, and God Himself may have switched them off when fallen angels continued their program, post-flood. If so, today’s scientists might need only to ‘switch them back on’ to resurrect old forms such as Gibborim and Nephilim.
I should point out that not all ‘trucks’ (vectors) deliver their payload immediately. Some operate on a time delay. Cytomegalovirus (CMV) is a common infective agent resident in the cells of many humans today. It ‘sleeps’ in our systems, waiting for a window of opportunity to strike. Recently, genetic specialists began utilizing CMV vectors in transgenic experiments. In 1997, the Fox television program Millennium featured an episode in the second season called “Sense and Antisense” (referring to the two sides of the DNA molecule). In this chilling story, a scientist named Lacuna reveals a genetic truth to Frank Black:
“They have the map, the map, they can make us go down any street they want to! Streets that we would never even dream of going down. They flip a switch, we go east. They flip another switch, we go north. And we never know we have been flipped, let alone know how.” [3]
In the final days of this current age, humanity may indeed ‘flip’. Paul tells us that Christians will be transformed in a moment (I Cor. 15:51-53). Is it possible that the enemy also plans an instantaneous ‘flip’? Are genetic sleeper agents (idling ‘trucks’) already at work in humanity’s DNA, waiting and ready to deploy at the appropriate moment?
Science is ready. Knowledge has been increased. The spiritual players have taken the stage.

All we need is the signal. The sign. The injection. The mark. The moment.

We shall ALL be changed. Some to incorruptible bodies ready to meet the Lord. Others to corrupted genomes ready to serve the Beast.

Sharon’s frightening response to my question about the Mark of the Beast is further compounded when one considers how emerging science and transhuman ambition could be used by such in their quest to bypass God and, through human effort, bring about an “exaltation” of man. I couldn’t help thinking of this as I reviewed Dan Brown’s latest heresy and concluded that there is a conspiracy, all right, and Dan Brown is in on it.

"The Lost Symbol," Brown’s follow-up to the 2003 best-seller, "The Da Vinci Code," is out this week – and if you’ve read it, you know the Freemason’s have nothing to worry about. "Symbol" is about as threatening to The Brotherhood’s dark ambition as a box of chocolates, two-dozen roses and a big sloppy kiss.

In fact, if you’re anything like me, you’ll come away from this overblown drivel with the curious feeling that we’ve all been had—that the "jitters" Freemasons were claiming to be experiencing in the lead-up to "Symbol" was really an elaborate sales gimmick between Brown and his occult buddies at 16th Street in Washington DC. The problem is, these folks are not just selling books. They’ve amassed under the guise of a "thriller" a profound apologetic for the occult aspirations of the Order of the Quest.

Set aside for a moment the fact that I’ve never had so many cliffhanger let-downs in a single night before. Over and over, page after page "Symbol" leads you to believe you’re finally on the verge of some great discovery only to then be handed a "revelation" that any two-year-old with a computer could have Googled in five minutes on the internet.
Frankly, the one truly extraordinary thing about this book is what it does not reveal. With Brown’s resources one would have thought he could have come up with at least a single fascinating tidbit. But, alas, I encourage you to stick with the Googling.

Better yet, read Apollyon Rising 2012: The Lost Symbol Found and the Final Mystery of the Great Seal Revealed when it comes out in late November, as it actually presents heretofore unknown and startling information about the Freemasons and the future of the world. I know, because I met with the real people Brown fictionalizes in the opening scenes of his book. They gave me the two coins, and I can tell you unequivocally that there are substantive reasons to be concerned, especially now that Brown has joined the "Order" to sell the Great Deception.

Let me give you an example.

When the main character of Brown’s novel, Robert Langdon receives a frightening video of an initiate of the 33rd Degree of Scottish Rite Freemasonry drinking wine (or blood) from a human skull during a ritual in the Temple Room at the House of the Temple (detailed in the upcoming book Apollyon Rising 2012), Langdon considers what would happen if the video were made public. "No one would understand," he thinks to himself. Then in a scene that can only be described as pure propaganda, Brown continues:
The truth will be twisted, Langdon knew. As it always is with the Masons. The truth was that the brotherhood’s focus on death was in fact a bold celebration of life. Masonic ritual was designed to awaken the slumbering man inside, lifting him from his dark coffin of ignorance, raising him into the light, and giving him eyes to see…. Masonic initiations were startling because they were meant to be transformative…. Masonic teachings were arcane because they were meant to be universal…taught through a common language of symbols and metaphors that transcended religions, cultures, and races…creating a unified "world wide consciousness" of brotherly love (The Lost Symbol, pg 437).
So, there you have it. The truth is always twisted when it comes to Masons. Drinking red substance from a skull in a dark room with a noose around your neck under a blood oath of horrific repercussion including having your throat slit, eyeballs pierced, tongue torn out, feet flayed, body hacked into pieces, and so on if you give up the wrong information, is a celebration of life, a unified effort by transendent souls who only want to lift the rest of us empty-headed twits from our dark coffins of ignorance into a unified world of brotherly love.

Aww… that’s so sweet!

Of course as you would expect in a Dan Brown book, spreading the love only goes so far, and it doesn’t take long before the tired DB attacks on Christians and Christianity rev up ad-nauseam. Literally every member of every bizarre or occult organization in the history of the world that Brown can muster is celebrated as "illuminated," "spiritually elevated," "in-tune with the Creator," blah blah blah!, while Christians who hold the Bible as literal or inspired are depicted as piteous bafoons who only ever succeed at mishandling the sacred texts anyway, scriptures that are therefore better left in the hands of deeply perspective and spiritually enlightened people… like Brown, of course… and the Freemasons.

And then there is that "Lost Symbol," which (spoiler alert, turn your eyes if you don’t want to know) turns out to be the Bible. But the apocalyptic visions from the Book of Revelation are not the dark warning against sin and the need for repentance that those ignorant conservative Christians have been preaching all these years. No, the biblical Apocalypse, we learn, is akin to the Mayan 2012 prophecies and heralds a coming time of unprecedented human exaltation when we, like George Washington did, experience apotheosis—and ascend to become gods.

Before anybody says, "Hey, it’s just a novel," consider how far reaching Brown’s books have been thus far in influencing people toward Gnosticism and rejection of the divinity of Jesus Christ.

This man is an evangelist of the coming (old) enlightenment, which, now that we know how much he appreciates the Masonic worldview, originates with Lucifer and, while illuminating them, blinds us feeble, selfish souls.

"Lucifer, the Son of the Morning! Is it he who bears the Light, and with its splendors intolerable blinds feeble, sensual, or selfish Souls? Doubt it not!" Sovereign Grand Commander Albert Pike in the Masonic handbook Morals and Dogma

Hoping for an antithesis to this generation’s landslide into such an abyss, one of my earnest goals over the past year as I have shared my forthcoming “revelation” with a trusted group of approximately 24 scholars (all respected and very well-known theologians, philosophers and scientists) has been to make sure this message reaches out and touches more than the church choir. What will be shared in Apollyon Rising 2012 is unprecedented for Christians and non-Christians alike. When I asked some of these great minds to join the Creation Lab at RNN and to tell me what I could do to reach the “Dan Brown” multitudes, they offered several ideas and finally everybody decided (for a series of reasons) that I should approve a “cipher challenge” similar to what Brown has done in the past, except that in our case the “clues” will ultimately lead to disclosure, a revelation and a warning as opposed to Brown-like deception.

So, check out the contest below concerning the TRUE Lost Symbol, which is ultimately intended to reach this un-churched group. Participate in the contest if you want to. Heck, win the $10,000.00 and the enigmatic "item." If you don’t want to participate, no worries. It will not diminish what is to be revealed in Apollyon Rising 2012 in a couple months from now. But! When the Grand Champion is announced, you may wish you had the "item," and the cash won’t hurt either :-)

Saturday, September 12, 2009

PART TWENTY-THREE: Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

Editor's note: All notations will be cited when this series of articles have concluded. The information is based on research contained in Tom Horn's upcoming new book:

The Lost Symbol Found And The Final Mystery Of The Great Seal Revealed
A Terrifying And Prophetic Cipher, Hidden From The World By The U.S. Government For Over 200 Years Is Here

“By responsible use of science, technology, and other rational means we shall eventually manage to become posthuman.”—Prof. Nick Bostrom

“We can devise ways of at least trying to manage the enormous powers of nanotechnology, but superintelligence by its nature cannot be controlled. The nano/robotic revolution will force us to reconsider the very definition of human.”—Ray Kurzweil

“The spirit one discerns in pondering the ruminations of the Transhumanists causes one to conclude that what these thinkers propose is developmental progressing towards something along the lines of the Borg from Star Trek or the Cybermen or Darleks from Doctor Who.”—Frederick B. Meekins
Not long ago a writer for Wired Magazine named Elizabeth Svoboda contacted me to let me know she was writing an article about “research advances using transgenic animals to produce pharmaceutical compounds.” She had come across an editorial by me raising caution about this kind of experimentation, and wondered if I might be willing to provide points for her article, elaborating areas where I saw producing transgenic animals as potentially harmful. She stated that most of the scientists she planned to quote were “pretty gung-ho about the practice,” and thought it would be important to provide some balance. I thanked her for the invitation, and sent a short summary of some, though not all, of the areas where concerns about this science could be raised.

When the article was finally published by Wired Magazine, I was surprised that none of my notes had made it into the story. I contacted Elizabeth and asked why, and she replied, “Unfortunately, my editors cut your quotes during the editing process, which were originally included in my article Pharm Animals Crank Out Drugs.” She apologized and said she hoped the experience had not soured me on dealing with Wired Magazine.

“It doesn’t sour me,” I assured her. “I just think the reporting by most agencies is lopsided and missing the opportunity to thoroughly engage such an important issue.”

The Wired Magazine article was mostly positive on transgenic research and concluded with a scientist by the name of Marie Cecile Van de Lavoir saying that potential human health benefits from transgenic research “justify tinkering” with nature’s plan. “If a transgenic animal produces a great cancer therapy,” she said, “I won’t hear anyone saying, ‘You shouldn’t do that.’”

Van de Lavoir’s comments were undoubtedly in response to some of my observations before they were cut, because in offering caution I had specifically used the phrase “tinkering with nature’s plan.” Van de Lavoir’s short-sided approach, like many bioethicists engaged in the current debate, is as scary as the science in my opinion. I wanted to contact her to suggest that she watch the film I Am Legend, which opens appropriately enough with a scientist announcing the cure to cancer using a genetically engineered virus that blends animal and human genetics. If you’ve seen the film, you know the “cure” results in a human form of rabies that wipes out most life on earth, a real possibility given the scenario.

While I believe some positive things will come from biotechnology, nanotechnology, and synthetic biology, it is the prophetic expectance of these new/old fields of science that intrigues me. Besides potentially being a mechanism that unseen forces could use to incarnate the Man of Sin and raise from Sheol-Hades his army of extinct Nephilim in time for Armageddon, biotechnology could provide a number of other useful tools for facilitating the empire of Antichrist, including eugenics, food contagions, hybrid viruses, prion contamination, exotic new diseases and plagues of biblical proportions, just to name a few. Because we cannot take time in this series to properly cover each of these risks, we present two aspects of biotech (in addition to Apollonian and Nephilim resurrection) that could eventually stand out as related to the book of Revelation and the advent of Antichrist. These would be 1) end-time plagues and 2) the Mark of the Beast. Credit must be given to my perfect wife Nita who first brought to my attention the unique idea of biotech and the Mark of the Beast, and two of my favorite writers—Sharon Gilbert and Sue Bradley who offered their expertise in defining the following two points.


In 1818, Mary Shelley, the author of Frankenstein, first described her expedition into “murky subterranean passages” within the trapezoid cavern of Cumaean Sibyl near Naples, Italy. It was here, in the cave so frequently described in Virgil’s first century Eclogues and Æneid, that Shelley asserts she discovered the ancient apocalyptic writings of the Roman prophetess Cumaean Sybil, recorded on oak leaves. Translating and editing the Sibylline Prophecies, Mary Shelley published The Last Man in 1826.

Described as “a memory at the end of history” The Last Man begins, “…let me fancy myself as I was in 2094” and continues to describe an horrific plague that destroys mankind as a species. The Last Man would become the first modern account of an apocalyptic pandemic and disturbingly, would be written as a nihilist narrative in a posthuman era.

Contagion, the transmission of disease, has always been a unique entity, surpassing all potential cataclysms with its singular characteristic of being entirely sovereign and nondiscriminatory. Borderless, apolitical, and smugly defiant, disease has spread, multiplied and mutated and has historically shown deference to no one.

Though mortality estimates of pandemics throughout history are often unreliable (if not entirely unknown), their impact has often been measured only by these statistics, with less examination of concurrent societal disruption. With the exception of medical and scientific study, epidemics were understood mostly within their literary and classical context. Children’s songs, nursery rhymes and colloquialisms would hint of their impact, but nothing in recent memory would demand the serious attention of many in western society. The sustained scourge of AIDS is familiar in concept, but easily dismissed unless there is direct involvement. Ebola, cholera, plague, Marburg, SARS and anthrax are serious sounding, but largely irrelevant to the generations raised in a society of ‘eradication’ vaccines and fix ‘em fast antibiotics.

Nonetheless there has been growing concern among modern experts of the fast-rising density of human populations and the immediate need to strategize to avoid high death tolls in inevitable natural disasters. Similarly, public health experts warn that vigilance and speed in tracking and responding to disease outbreaks is vital to limit the chances of a pandemic.

Every age in history has had its plagues, wars and disasters. What is different about our world today is the enormous potential of a catastrophic pandemic situation. A public health emergency at this level would be far more catastrophic than any other type of naturally occurring, accidental or other instigated event the world has experienced.

While Hollywood has steadily inoculated the comfortably preoccupied masses with remarkably prescient bio-threat scenarios, I Am Legend, Outbreak, The Stand, V for Vendetta, the very real and prolific research programs began to notice that life forms confined to the microscopic realm were changing: rapidly, sometimes predictably, oftentimes unpredictably and in some instances, chillingly purposefully.

Add to this the unpleasant reality of biological warfare, which begins in its ancient past and ends in a time yet forward. From poisoning enemy wells, hurling dead corpses over city walls or giving smallpox ridden blankets to American Indians, it is difficult to grasp the concept of being assaulted by a living, albeit microscopic, enemy.

But the plagues of history past bear little resemblance to their emergent constructs.

As science continued its quest for unlocking DNA, a parallel priority - with a far more sinister agenda - was already growing – and on the loose. Designed for maximum casualties and high emotional impact, this nano-army can be crafted for ethnic specific targeting. Despite warnings and flags, these unseen warriors are eager to meet their new hosts and are prepared to launch a new campaign, promising to reveal themselves in all of their horror, in an unprecedented spectacular finale.

In Plague Wars: The Terrifying Reality of Biological Warfare, authors Tom Mangold and Jeff Goldberg assert that,
Biological weapons are both more immoral and more lethal than their pestilential cohorts in the nuclear and chemical armory, for infecting the enemy aggressor can infect his own side; the pathogens blur the lines between peace and war as they silently spread through the ranks of families and non-combatants…
…But for some who wore cloaks and broke the rules, exotic bugs and toxins were preferable to daggers.
… To contemplate their use is to wink at evil, for pestilence and poison are afflictions as much as weapons. [1]
Creations on the drawing board that promise exotic delivery systems for dispersing the biological materials are no less startling. Recently the Israeli newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth reported that Israel is using nanotechnology to create a robot no bigger than a hornet that would be able to chase, corner, photograph and deliver lethal agents to kill its targets. The flying robot, nicknamed the “bionic hornet,” would be able to navigate its way down narrow alleyways to target otherwise unreachable enemies. Similar biomechanic developments in the United States are being funded by DARPA where cyborg-insect interfaces envision warbots no bigger than a bug that can take to the battlefield one at a time as spies or in swarms powerful enough to bring down fighter jets. The same micro-mechanical insect sentinels could serve up biological weapons, delivering viruses, bacteria, toxins, or microorganisms that afflict or destroy people, animals, and agriculture.

While such stratagems obviously appeal to the highest levels of US military intelligence, theologians will be troubled by glaring similarities between this technology and biblical predictions of an end-time spiral by mankind into a cataclysmic war where locust-sized weapons are “given power, as the scorpions of the earth have power” (Rev. 9:3).

In describing the activity of the Antichrist demon Apollo, Revelation 9:1-11 says this “king” of transgenic locusts opens the bottomless pit and releases synthesized insectoids to torment mankind. Some scholars believe when ‘John the Revelator’ made these recordings, he was actually describing future technologies and that he simply referred to the bio-mechanized hybrids in terms he understood; i.e. swarms of Israel’s “bionic hornet” were perceived as locusts whose wings sounded like “many horses running to battle” (Rev. 9:9).

Are the locust hoards of Revelation chapter 9 created in human laboratories that employ the same Watchers technology we believe could give rise to Apollo’s return? Could be, and these less glamorous and decidedly more dramatic bio products seek a more pernicious and indelible glow than the cutesy biologic ‘novelties’ the public has seen so far—genetically engineered puppies that glow in the dark, fish and plants.

Plum Island and NEST

Located off the NE Coast of Long Island, NY, beyond Montauk, the Plum Island Animal Disease Center (PIADC) is a Level 3 Biosafety Agriculture facility. Transferred in 2002 from the US Department of Agriculture to the US Department of Homeland Security, Plum Island is a federal facility for the research and investigation of foreign and domestic animal pathogens. Plum Island’s offshore status allows the study of forbidden mainland organisms including the housing of freezers which contain samples of polio and other microbial diseases that can be transferred from animals to humans.

NEST on the other hand (Nuclear Emergency Support Team) is one of seven emergency response branches of the US Department of Energy’s Nuclear Safety Administration. Information from the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists indicates that NEST has the ability to deploy up to 600 experts in the event of an “incident” alongside the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Domestic Emergency Support Team or the State Department’s Foreign Emergency Support Team.

In February, 2004, Popular Mechanics magazine featured a cover story, “When UFO’s Arrive” that described such an “incident” scenario where NEST would be activated. Within the seemingly whimsical text, story author Jim Wilson wrote:
…State Of Emergency: If ET turns up at NASA’s doorstep bearing that invitation, it is in for a surprise. Instead of getting a handshake from the head of NASA, it will be handcuffed by an FBI agent dressed in a Biosafety Level 4 suit. Instead of sleeping in the Lincoln Bedroom at the White House, the alien will be whisked away to the Department of Agriculture’s Animal Disease Center on Plum Island, off the coast of New York’s Long Island. Here it will be poked and probed by doctors from the National Institutes of Health. A Department of Energy (DOE) Nuclear Emergency Search Team (NEST) will tow away its spacecraft.
Unfriendly as this welcome may seem, it is the chain of events that most likely will follow the visitor’s arrival. Unique as the appearance of an alien-piloted spacecraft may be, the event incorporates elements of three situations familiar to federal emergency response workers: a plane crash, the release of radioactive material, and the capture of an animal suspected of harboring a contagious disease. Responsibilities in these situations are spelled out in Presidential Executive Orders….[2]
All of the prophets including Jesus Christ prophesied that the last days would witness NEST-like “incidences” where unexpected nuclear and/or biological “pestilences” (Mt. 24:7) wash upon earth. Zechariah the prophet provided a vivid description of one such plague, saying, “Their flesh shall consume away while they stand upon their feet, and their eyes shall consume away in their holes, and their tongue shall consume away in their mouth” (14:12). Though Mary Shelley’s Apocalyptic pandemic in The Last Man does not sit authoritatively on the same shelf as Scripture, it is worth remembering her insistence that this work is a translation of the nine ancient Sibylline Books as recorded by the priestess Cumaean Sibyl while presiding over the Apollonian oracle—the same prophetess whose Novus Ordo Seclorum rests upon the Great Seal of the United States pointing to the arrival of the deity that Scripture and Occultists agree comes to rule the final pagan empire. Will biotech play a role in the fulfillment of her prophecies by providing the tools to raise her god and the plagues Scripture say will accompany him? We will reveal that People in high places believe so, but first in the next entry we consider how the same Watcher technology could give rise to the Mark of the Beast.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

PART TWENTY-TWO: Read It Before It Is Banned By The US Government

Editor's note: All notations will be cited when this series of articles have concluded. The information is based on research contained in Tom Horn's upcoming new book:

The Lost Symbol Found And The Final Mystery Of The Great Seal Revealed
A Terrifying And Prophetic Cipher, Hidden From The World By The U.S. Government For Over 200 Years Is Here


As troubling as the thoughts in the previous entry are, they could be just the tip of the iceberg as one-on-one interpersonal malevolence by human-animals are quickly overshadowed by global acts of swarm violence. The possibility of groups of "transhuman terrorists" in the conceivable future is real enough that a House Foreign Affairs committee chaired by California Democrat Brad Sherman, best known for his expertise on the spread of nuclear weapons and terrorism, is among a number of government panels and think-tanks currently studying the implications of genetic modification and human-transforming technologies related to future terrorism. CQ Columnist Mark Stencel listened to the recent HFA committee hearings and wrote in his March 15, 2009 article, Futurist: Genes Without Borders, that the conference "sounded more like a Hollywood pitch for a sci-fi thriller than a sober discussion of scientific reality… with talk of biotech’s potential for creating supersoldiers, superintelligence and superanimals [that could become] agents of unprecedented lethal force." [1]

George Annas, Lori Andrews, and Rosario Isasi were even more apocalyptic in their American Journal of Law and Medicine article, Protecting the Endangered Human: Toward an International Treaty Prohibiting Cloning and Inheritable Alterations when they wrote:
"The new species, or ‘posthuman,’ will likely view the old ‘normal’ humans as inferior, even savages, and fit for slavery or slaughter. The normals, on the other hand, may see the posthumans as a threat and if they can, may engage in a preemptive strike by killing the posthumans before they themselves are killed or enslaved by them. It is ultimately this predictable potential for genocide that makes species-altering experiments potential weapons of mass destruction, and makes the unaccountable genetic engineer a potential bioterrorist." [2]
Observations like those of Annas, Andrews, and Isasi cause one to wonder if this is not how the servants of Antichrist move with such compassionless brutality in rounding up to destroy all who refuse to receive the Mark of the Beast.

Not to be outpaced in this regard by rogue fringe scientists or even bio-terrorists, DARPA and other agencies of the U.S. military have taken inspiration from the likes of Tolkein’s Lord of the Rings, and in scenes reminiscent of Saruman the wizard creating monstrous Uruk-Hai to wage unending, merciless war, billions of American tax dollars have flowed into the Pentagon’s Frankensteinian dream of "super-soldiers" and "Extended Performance War Fighter" programs. Not only does the EPWFP envision "injecting young men and women with hormonal, neurological and genetic concoctions; implanting microchips and electrodes in their bodies to control their internal organs and brain functions; and plying them with drugs that deaden some of their normal human tendencies: the need for sleep, the fear of death, [and] the reluctance to kill their fellow human beings," but as Chris Floyd in an article for CounterPunch a while back continued, "some of the research now underway involves actually altering the genetic code of soldiers, modifying bits of DNA to fashion a new type of human specimen, one that functions like a machine, killing tirelessly for days and nights on end.... mutations [that] will ‘revolutionize the contemporary order of battle’ and guarantee ‘operational dominance across the whole range of potential U.S. military employments.’" [3]

In keeping with our study, imagine the staggering implications of such science if dead Nephilim tissue was discovered with intact DNA and a government somewhere was willing to clone or mingle the extracted organisms to make Homo-nephilim. If one accepts the biblical story of Nephilim as real, such discovery could actually be made someday or perhaps already has been and was covered up. As an example of this possibility, in 2009 blood was extracted from the bone of a dinosaur that scientists insist is 80 million years old. Nephilim would have existed in relatively recent times comparably, making clonable material from dead biblical giants feasible. The technology to resurrect the extinct species already exists, and cloning methods are being studied now for use with bringing back Tasmanian Tigers, Wooly Mammoths and other extinguished creatures. National Geographic also confirmed this possibility in their May 2009 special report Recipe for a Resurrection, quoting Hendrik Poinar of McMaster University, an authority on ancient DNA who served as a scientific consultant for the movie Jurassic Park, saying: "I laughed when Steven Spielberg said that cloning extinct animals was inevitable. But I’m not laughing anymore... This is going to happen. It’s just a matter of working out the details." [4]

Will the same technology lead to the resurrection of the pagan deity Apollo/Osiris/Nimrod, who returns to rule the Novus Order Seclorum? Is material from the deity’s ‘body’ concealed in a tomb at Giza… or in Washington, DC… or in the ‘sacred casket’ that former U.S. Vice President Henry Wallace mentioned in his letter to Nicholas Roerich, considered in esoteric circles to be the same as the casket or ‘coffin’ of Osiris? If so, is it conceivable that plans to revive the Apollonian tissue using biotechnology have already been made, or worse, have already been accomplished and the pagan god waits the moment of its unveiling?

People not familiar with biblical eschatology may find this idea fantastic, that the being who becomes the Antichrist was once alive, then was dead, and returns from the grave to rule the Novus Ordo Seclorum. But this is exactly what Revelation 17:8 appears to say will happen: "The beast that thou sawest was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition [Apoleia, Apollo]: and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder… when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is." Further, the mythos of the Eye of Horus on the Great Seal, which so fascinated Wallace and company, represents this very concept of deity incarnation into the "King" that is to rule. As mentioned earlier in this blog series, in ancient Egypt where this Great Seal symbol originated, each Pharaoh "became" the incarnation of the falcon god Horus during his lifetime, and at death, the Osiris—the divine judge of the netherworld.

As biotechnology and synthetic biology advance to the degree that we can now realistically anticipate reviving long-dead species, I have been able to convince a few scholarly minds that the Man of Sin could in fact be the return of a deceased Apollo/Osiris/Nimrod who arrives via biotech resurrection. Even Chuck Missler, though not with the same details, raised the appropriate question not long ago in an online article about the Antichrist: "Could it be that this final world dictator will be, in some sense, a return of Nimrod?" ( In my opinion, this is more than a possibility, and I remember with curiosity how in 1998, Zahi Hawass, the current Secretary General of Egypt’s Supreme Council of Antiquities, claimed to have found the burial tomb of the god Osiris (Apollo/Nimrod) at the Giza Plateau. In the article Sandpit of Royalty from the newspaper Extra Bladet (Copenhagen), January 31, 1999, Hawass was quoted saying:

"I have found a shaft, going 29 meters vertically down into the ground, exactly halfway between the Chefren Pyramid and the Sphinx. At the bottom, which was filled with water, we have found a burial chamber with four pillars. In the middle is a large granite sarcophagus, which I expect to be the grave of Osiris, the god…I have been digging in Egypt’s sand for more than 30 years, and up to date this is the most exciting discovery I have made…. We found the shaft in November and began pumping up the water recently. So several years will pass before we have finished investigating the find."

Insofar as we know this discovery did not ultimately provide the physical remains of the deity. Of course, that is, in as far as we know. But what it did illustrate is that at least some very powerful Egyptologists believe Osiris was a historical figure, and that his body was stored somewhere at or near the Great Pyramid. Manly P. Hall, who knew the Masonic legend of Hiram Abiff was a thinly veiled prophecy of the resurrection of Osiris, seems to have understood what Zahi Hawass was looking for, and why. Consider that he wrote in The Secret Teachings of All Ages:

"The Dying God shall rise again! The secret room in the House of the Hidden Places shall be rediscovered. The Pyramid again shall stand as the ideal emblem of solidarity, inspiration, aspiration, resurrection, and regeneration. [6]

Over the years, biblical scholar Gary Stearman has written extensively about Nimrod (Apollo/Osiris/Gilgamesh) and the connection this historical figure has with Babylonian Mystery Religion, Watchers, Nephilim (including their resurrection), and the spirit of the end-times Antichrist and revival of paganism. He too appears to believe the coming of Antichrist represents a return of Nimrod. "But who is this Assyrian," he asked in the July 2001 Prophecy in the News Magazine, "He is none other than the spiritual inheritor of the first great post-Flood religious apostasy. He is the keeper of the great heritage that began at the Assyrian capital, Nineveh. Its founder was Nimrod…. He is the Antichrist, the future despot who comes in the name of the ancient mystery religion."

A year earlier, in June of 2000, Stearman had written in Prophecy in the News concerning Nimrod:

"He was a rebel who allowed himself to be worshipped as a god. After the Flood, his rebellion became the foundation of mankind’s greatest religious apostasy. Down through the generations, this system of false worship became known simply as the "Babylonian Mystery Religion."

Its basis is quite clear. It attempts to channel the power of the ancient gods through the figure of one, powerful man. Nimrod became that god…" [emphasis added].

Alexander Hislop in his classic text The Two Babylons substantiates Stearman’s thesis that the Babylonian Mystery Religion was based on the worship of Nimrod. "It was to glorify Nimrod that the whole Chaldean system of iniquity was formed," he wrote (p.20). Yet Stearman sees that the Mystery Religion continued secretly through the ages, shrouded in hiding by adepts of the occult in anticipation of a final moment when the ancient spirit should be awakened.

"…corrupt priesthoods have flourished, carrying with them the shadow of Nimrod and his ancient mysteries. Their inner secrets have been known by various names, including alchemy, magic, sorcery, conjuring, soothsaying and so forth…. waiting for the prophesied day when it would rise once again. This movement will result in the reign of the Antichrist."

In addition to the supernatural aspects that biotechnology could provide the Luciferian technology to resurrect Nimrod/Apollo/Osiris in the person of the last days Man of Sin, the ramifications of using the same science to revive extinct animals, Nephilim, or to create newly engineered versions of demigods and mythological animals may also play a role in the Kingdom of Antichrist. This is because as interbreeding begins between transgenic animals, genetically modified humans, and specie as God made them, the altered DNA will quickly migrate into the natural environment, and when that happens (as is already occurring among genetically modified plants and animals), ‘alien’ and/or animal characteristics will be introduced to the human gene pool and spread through intermarriage, altering the human genetic code and eventually eliminating humanity as we know it. This is what happened before the Great Flood according to many theologians, and perhaps that has been the whole idea for the end-times as well—to create a generation of genetically altered ‘Nimrods’ to serve as ‘fit extensions’ for the resurrection of underworld Nephilim-hordes in preparation of Armageddon.

Does a curious verse in the book of Daniel hint at this? Speaking of the last days of human government, Daniel said:

"…they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay" (Dan. 2:43).

While Daniel does not explain who they that "mingle themselves with the seed of men" are, the personal pronoun they caused Chuck Missler and Mark Eastman in their book Alien Encounters to ask: "Just what (or who) are ‘mingling with the seed of men?’ Who are these Non-seed? It staggers the mind to contemplate the potential significance of Daniel’s passage and its implications for the future global governance." [7]

Daniel’s verse troubled Missler and Eastman because it seemed to indicate that the same phenomenon that occurred in Genesis chapter 6 where non-human species or ‘non-seed’ mingled with human seed and produced Nephilim, would happen again in the end times. When this verse from Daniel is coupled with Genesis 3:15, which says, "And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed [zera, meaning "offspring," "descendents," or "children"] and her seed," an incredible tenant emerges—that Satan has seed, and that it is at enmity with Christ.

To ‘mingle’ non-human seed with Homo sapiens through altering human DNA while simultaneously returning Nephilim to earth has been the inspiration of the spirit of antichrist ever since God during the Great Flood halted the practice. According to Louis Pauwells & Jacques Bergier in The Dawn of Magic (first published in France under the title "Le Matin des Magiciens" 1960 by Editions Gallimard, Paris), this was certainly the goal of the antichrist Adolf Hitler:

Hitler’s aim was neither the founding of a race of supermen, nor the conquest of the world; these were only means towards the realization of the great work he dreamed of. His real aim was to perform an act of creation, a divine operation, the goal of a biological mutation which would result in an unprecedented exaltation of the human race and the "apparition of a new race of heroes and demigods and god-men." [8]

One cannot read the conclusion by Pauwells and Bergier regarding Hitler’s antichrist ambition without seeing how it corresponds perfectly with the Cumaean Sibyl’s prophecy pertaining to the coming of Apollo, who receives "the life of gods, and sees Heroes with gods commingling." This calls to mind that from the Middle Ages forward, church leaders have believed the Antichrist would ultimately represent the return of the Nephilim—the reunion of demons with humans. St. Augustine himself wrote of such demoniality in the City of God [9], and in the De Daemonialitate, et Incubis, et Succubi, Fr. Ludovicus Maria Sinistrari de Ameno (1622-1701) also perceived the coming of Antichrist as representing the biological hybridization of demons with humans. "To theologians and philosophers," he wrote, "it is a fact, that from the copulation of humans with the demon…Antichrist must be born." [10]

The English theologian George Hawkins Pember agreed with this premise, and in his 1876 masterpiece Earth’s Earliest Ages he analyzed the prophecy of Christ that says the end-times would be a repeat of "the days of Noah." Pember outlined the seven great causes of the antediluvian destruction and documented their developmental beginnings in his lifetime. The seventh and most fearful sign, Pember wrote, would be the return of the Nephilim, "The appearance upon earth of beings from the Principality of the Air, and their unlawful intercourse with the human race."

Consequently, if the Antichrist is the reincarnation of the demon Apollo as prophesied by the Apostle Paul, not only will he be the exact opposite of Jesus (Son of God), but the forerunner of the return of the Nephilim. The prophet Isaiah (chapters 13 and 14) likewise spoke of the return of these beings, and tied the advent to the destruction of the city of Babylon in the final age. The following verse should give us pause in light of the ongoing presence of US armed forces in Iraq/Babylon and the powder keg surrounding it. From the Septuagint, we read:
The vision which Esaias son of Amos saw against Babylon. Lift up a standard on the mountain of the plain, exalt the voice to them, beckon with the hand, open the gates, ye ruler. I give command and I bring them: giants are coming to fulfill my wrath…. For behold! the day of the Lord is coming which cannot be escaped, a day of wrath and anger, to make the world desolate…. And Babylon…shall be as when God overthrew Sodoma and Gomorrah…. It shall never be inhabited…and monsters shall rest there, and devils shall dance there and satyrs shall dwell there . . . (Isaiah 13:1-3, 9, 19-22).

One can only speculate if something more than is casually perceived is meant by Isaiah when he says, "open the gates, ye ruler," but whoever this ruler is, he opens ‘gates’ in Iraq/Babylon through which end-times giants (Gibborim) return to the surface of earth as agents of God’s wrath. Noting that Isaiah ties the destruction of Iraq/Babylon with the reappearance of Gibborim in this way, we recall how thousands of US troops on invading Iraq during the Bush administration admittedly filled U.S. containers with archaeological materials, including what some have speculated to be cuneiform tablets pointing to the location of pure-blooded Nephilim buried in underground caves. This is exactly where Enoch said the antediluvian Nephilim are, and raises fascinating questions: Would agencies like DARPA have interest in studying or cloning the extinct beings if they were, or have been, found? Could man in his arrogance revive ancient DNA, revitalizing or blending it with other living organisms in a way similar to what the Watchers did in making the first Nephilim? Is this how the Rephaim (dead Nephilim) who are viewed as squirming beneath the surface of the earth, rise to challenge the armies of God during Armageddon? Is the factual reappearance on earth of legendary beings verified by Isaiah, who foresaw creatures such as satyrs (transgenic half-man half-goats) accompanying the return of giants in the end-times, or why other Apocryphal Books like 2 Esdras 5:8 prophesy the birth of "monsters" for the same period of time? Some may be shocked to learn that in addition to the citations above, the Bible actually describes an end-times confrontation between the ‘mythological gods’ and Christ. "The Lord will be terrible unto them: for he will famish all the gods of the earth" says Zephaniah 2:11. "The Lord of hosts, the God of Israel, saith; Behold, I will punish the… gods" (Jer. 46:25). Human followers of the pagan deities will also join the conflict, calling upon their "idols of gold, and silver, and brass, and stone, and of wood" (Rev. 9:20) to convene their powers against the Christian God, uniting with "unclean spirits like frogs… the spirits of devils working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth… to gather them to the battle of that great day… [to] a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon [Megiddo]" (Rev. 16:13-14;16).

Given that the prophets foretold a day when mythical characters and "gods" would return to earth to conduct war against the God of the Bible, it is more than a little disturbing that man has, for the first time since before the Great Flood, intentionally set course to repeat what ancient records say the Watchers did. The accelerated pace by scientific exploration against God’s Divine Order, and the subsequent revival of Watcher technology leading to transhuman or revived forms of Nephilim, has without doubt pushed the end-times clock closer to midnight than most comprehend.


Enoch was the son of Jared, father of Methuselah and great-grandfather of Noah whose writings provide the most detailed account of the fall of the "Watchers," the angels who fathered the infamous Nephilim. While the book of Enoch is no longer included in most versions of the Bible, Enoch’s writings are quoted in the New Testament in at least two places, and he is mentioned by name in both the Old and New Testaments, including Jude 14-15 where one of his prophecies is cited. During the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls, pre-Maccabean fragments of the Book of Enoch were found, helping scholars to verify the book’s antiquity while also illustrating that the ancients held these texts to be inspired. Many early Church Fathers likewise considered the Book of Enoch to be sacred, including Tertullian, Justin Martyr, Irenaeus, Origen and Clement of Alexandria. This is an important fact because if Enoch was truly a prophet, then the world may be in for an unfathomable surprise concerning the return of Nephilim, and soon.

In the tenth chapter of the book of Enoch, it says the Watchers who were judged during the flood would be bound beneath the hills of the earth for 70 generations, until the day of their final judgment when they will be released from those confines and thrown into an abyss of fire, "to the torment and the prison in which they shall be confined for ever."

But in the fifteenth chapter, Enoch writes about the deceased offspring of the Watchers, the giants or Nephilim, and describes them as being released at the same time to bring slaughter and destruction upon man:

"The spirits of the giants…shall be concealed, and shall not rise up against the sons of men, and against women; until they come forth during the days of slaughter and destruction" (Enoch 15:9-10).

This particular prophecy mirrors those of Isaiah and other apocryphal works, which indicate a future date in which Watchers will rise for judgment while their giant offspring resurrect "from beneath the hills of the earth" to wreak havoc upon earth. According to Enoch, this unparalleled event is scheduled to occur after 70 generations have passed from the time of the Flood.

This could be troubling.

Although traditional scholarship places the time of the Great Flood between BC 2500 and 2300, modern dating by some researchers has roughly estimated the flood to have actually transpired between BC 2800 and 2900. For instance this is the dating given by a group of scientists from the USA, Russia, Australia, France, and Ireland known as the Holocene Impact Working Group who hypothesize the Great Flood resulted from a comet striking the Indian Ocean between 2800-2900 BC, resulting in a mega-tsunami. Because a prophetic generation is 70 years based on Psalm 90:10 ("The days of our years are threescore years and ten"), Enoch’s 70 generations times 70 years equals exactly 4900 years forward from the flood. If the flood took place between BC 2800 and 2900, this brings the return of the Nephilim to the immediate hour. In other words, if this BC 2800 to 2900 dating is correct, mankind is on the threshold of Watchers being raised from their underground prisons and thrown into an abyss of fire, while their giant offspring return to the surface of earth in violent fulfillment of multiple prophecies (and does this coincide with the Mayan 2012 return of Quatzlecoatl?)

We have no idea whether the modern time frame for the Great Flood is reasonable, but the Book of Jubilees—another apocryphal text—seems to verify this frightening scenario, prophesying Nephilim on earth in the last days. Again, the familiar word "corruption" turns up in association with these beings, insinuating an end-times repeat of what the Watchers did by corrupting human DNA and blending it with animals to retrofit human bodies for Nephilim incarnation. Note that this happens just before Satan is judged.

"The malignant evil ones [spirits of Nephilim destroyed in the flood] were bound in the place of condemnation, but a tenth part of them were left that they might be subject before Satan on the earth. These are for corruption [corruption of DNA as in days of old?] and leading astray men before Satan’s judgment" (10:7-12).

Finally, a prophecy in the second chapter of the Book of Joel could refer to the same end-times volcano of resurrected Nephilim. While some expositors say Joel was most likely describing an army of locusts, with phrases like "[They are] a great people and a strong" and "they shall run like mighty men [Gibborim]" it is reasonable to question if in fact these verses are talking about grasshoppers.

"[They are] a great people and a strong; there hath not been ever the like, neither shall be any more after it… and nothing shall escape them. The appearance of them is as the appearance of horses; and as horsemen, so shall they run…. They shall run like mighty men [Gibbowr, Gibborim]; they shall climb the wall like men of war…. They shall run to and fro in the city; they shall run upon the wall, they shall climb up upon the houses; they shall enter in at the windows like a thief. The earth shall quake before them…. And the LORD shall utter his voice before his army: for his camp is very great: for he is strong that executeth his word: for the day of the LORD is great and very terrible; and who can abide it?" (Joel 2:2-11)

When the numerous ancient texts from inerrant Scriptures to extra-biblical sources are added up, there is persuasive evidence that Joel’s army could indeed be more than simple grasshoppers, and that this massive Gibborim army that runs upon the wall from which nobody can escape could be the result of man’s willingness to play "god" in reviving forbidden science and opening "gates" to what lurks beyond.

Even then, we are just getting started…