Petrus Romanus, PROJECT LUCIFER, and the Vatican's astonishing exo-theological plan for the arrival of an alien savior.
You only think you know what's coming...
the release of our 2012 best-seller Petrus
Romanus: The Final Pope Is Here, we were inundated with invitations from
around the world to be interviewed on radio, television, and in print media.
These included segments in The History Channel’s “Countdown to
Apocalypse,” which premiered November 9, 2012; a special feature on Canada’s
largest Christian channel VisionTV titled “I Prophesy: The Apocalypse
Series” (complete with re-enactments) that aired nationwide on Tuesday,
November 20, 2012; invitations to Rome to discuss with Italian media our
findings on René Thibaut, a Belgian Jesuit whose meticulous analysis of the
Prophecy of the Popes predicted the arrival of Petrus Romanus in this era; a
“best of” interview with George Noory on Coast to Coast AM, and dozens more.
Petrus Romanus, PROJECT LUCIFER, and the Vatican's astonishing exo-theological plan for the arrival of an alien savior.
You only think you know what's coming...
which stands for “Large Binocular Telescope Near-infrared Utility with Camera
and Integral Field Unit for Extragalactic Research,” is a chilled instrument
attached to a telescope in Arizona. And yes, it’s named for the Devil, whose
name itself means “morning star” [and which] happens to be right next to the
Vatican Observatory on Mt. Graham in Tucson.”—
Rebecca Boyle, Popular Science Magazine

it was two shows in particular, which we did on The Omega Man Radio Program with
popular author and radio man Steve Quayle that prompted our visit to Mt. Graham
in southeastern Arizona to start our investigation. The first show with Steve
rocketed Omega Man to the #1 Blog Talk Radio Show in the world for over a week.
It focused on the ancient Prophecy of the Popes and the fact that the pontiff
following Benedict XVI will be the final one on this mysterious list of popes, a
prophecy that was concealed inside the secret vaults of the Vatican for hundreds
of years and which many believe points to the arrival of the False Prophet of
end-times infamy. (Note that at the start of this investigation, Benedict XVI
remains pope and whoever is scheduled to follow him in the role of Petrus
Romanus is still an open question, but whoever it turns out to be, they are the
final pope according to the medieval catholic prophecy).
the second Omega Man show, which aired Wednesday, April 4, 2012, we broached the
subject of a “Vatican ET” connection. That program sent Omega Man into the
stratosphere for an unprecedented one-month position as the top BT radio show on
the planet, illustrating to these authors that the world is more than casually
interested not only in the final pope, but in the connection between Rome and
their work on extraterrestrial intelligence, astrobiology, and the intriguing
connection between those issues and Petrus Romanus.
on a mild morning in September, 2012, we together with our cameraman—Joe Ardis,
a.k.a. the Wild Man of the Ozarks—departed
the small desert town of Safford, Arizona (which normally has a warm high desert
climate, much hotter than most places in eastern Arizona due to its relatively
low elevation of 2,953 feet) [i]
en route to the Mt. Graham Observatory Base Camp, 80 miles from Tucson and a few
miles south of Safford on State Route 366. Located near the northern limit of
the Chiricahua Apache and Western Apache territories, Dził
Nchaa Si An, as it is known in the Western Apache language, is one of the
four holiest mountains in America for the Apache, and considered sacred to the
all of the region’s Native peoples. (The San Carlos Apache Tribe had
originally joined environmentalists who sought, among other things, to protect
the Sacred Grounds and American Red Squirrel, in filing dozens of lawsuits
before a federal appeals court to stop the construction of the observatories on
Mt Graham, but the project ultimately prevailed after an act by the United
States Congress allowed it).
had been warned by our guide that the trek up the steep mountainside from 2,953
feet to over 10,700 was precarious, coupled with more hairpin turns, switchbacks
and narrow segments of roadway overlooking deep canyon walls than we might have
imagined, and, to top it off, there would be no guardrails along the harrowing
winding path. We were scheduled to arrive at the Mount Graham International
Observatory a couple hours after departure. We would meet with astronomers and
engineers at the Large Binocular Telescope—currently one of the world’s most
advanced optical telescopes—where, among other things, the new LUCIFER device
is attached between its gigantic twin mirrors (either of which would be the
largest optical telescope in continental North America). We were later told by
the LBT systems engineer who spent significant time with us that day that
another instrument—LUCIFER-II—is scheduled to arrive at the observatory
anytime now and will complete the two multi-object and longslit infrared
spectrograph imagers they need for studying the heavens in search of, among
other things, exo-planets that may host intelligent life. We would also visit
the Heinrich Hertz Submillimeter Telescope that day, which sets between the LBT
and the real target of our quest—the Vatican Advanced Technology Telescope and
the Jesuits who work there.
leaving base camp, Dramamine for motion sickness was suggested ahead of
departure, and the two men in our team that declined that offer would soon
wished they hadn’t, as once we were underway, it was non-stop reeling back and
forth, bouncing up and down as the driver—who seemed a little too much to
enjoy being in one gear faster than he should have been given the
circumstances—occasionally looked at us in the rearview mirror and smiled. As
we went from Sonoran Desert scrub at the mountain’s floor to alpine spruce-fir
forest closer to the summit, our guide who set in the opposite front seat from
the driver occasionally pointed to something off to one side, describing how
more life zones and vegetative varieties existed here than on any other North
American mountain, including almost two dozen plants, animals and insects that
are not found anywhere else. Of course this included the celebrity of Mount
Graham—the endangered Red Squirrel—which Arizona has already spent at least
1.25 million dollars protecting. But it was hard to appreciate these facts while
growing queasy and wondering how far down the canyon wall we would roll if at
any moment the driver lost control and barreled off the side. Thankfully, just
when we were starting to think this had been a bad idea, we stopped
approximately two-thirds way up the mountain at the Columbine Ranger Station, a
USDA Forest Service Administrative Complex that had been built Circa 1935 by the
Civilian Conservation Corps, a public work relief program that was part of
President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s “New Deal” and that had provided
unskilled manual labor jobs for people to relieve unemployment during the Great
had packed a sack lunch and used the Ranger Station as a place to rest a while,
eat, and let our bellies recover a bit from the roller-coaster ride. While
munching on a sandwich and looking at the aging black and white pictures that
hung on the walls here and there of the Depression-Era men who had built the
modest encampment, we met a volunteer, an interesting old chap who told us how
he had been coming there for many years to keep a fire in the fireplace and to
greet hikers that wandered into the park. When we told him where we were going,
he got quiet. When we added that our plan was to speak with the Jesuits at VATT
in the restricted area further up the mountain, he lost interest in the
conversation and started stirring his fire again.
later, lunch consumed and stomachs still uneasy, we were back in our vehicle.
From this point forward, the road, if we can call it that, became little more
than a glorified goat trail until finally, about a mile from our destination, we
arrived at a security gate with warnings of “No Trespassing” in several
languages. The guide had a key to the gate. She unlocked then relocked it behind
us after we drove through the opening. At that point, the driver pulled a radio
out, which we had not noticed before, and radioed somebody that we were heading
up the incline. Evidently this was necessary because from this point forward the
steep gravel lane was barely wide enough for one vehicle at a time, and you
didn’t want to risk running up against another vehicle that might be coming
down from the Observatories. No one answered the call, so he radioed again, then
a third time, with still no response. The silence must have meant the road was
clear, as just like that he slipped the vehicle into low gear and we began our
final 30-minute crawl up the mountainside.
one more thing,” the guide warned as we jerked over the rocky track, tires
spinning against the loose gravel and dirt. “When we get to the restricted
area you’ll see brightly colored cables roping off most of the land around the
buildings. Do not… I repeat, do not
step over those lines or you will be arrested immediately and hauled off to
jail.” She wasn’t smiling, and when we got to the observatories, we saw the
security lines and enforcement vehicles, just as she had described them.
was approximately 11: AM (PST) as we rounded the final bend and saw just ahead
the towering edifices housing the Large Binocular Telescope (LBT), an optical
telescope for astronomy and currently one of the world’s most advanced
systems. Near it was the Submillimeter Telescope (SMT) or as it is also known,
the Heinrich Hertz Submillimeter Telescope building, a “state-of-the-art
single-dish radio telescope for observations in the sub-millimeter wavelength
range… the most accurate radio telescope ever built.” [ii]
And last but not least about a block away from them we observed our primary
reason for trudging to the top of this peak—the Vatican Advanced Technology
Telescope or VATT.
course we had read the official story from the Vatican Observatory Website
before making the trip, how VATT truly lives up to its name:
heart is a 1.8-m f/1.0 honeycombed construction, borosilicate primary mirror.
This was manufactured at the University of Arizona Mirror Laboratory, and
it pioneered both the spin-casting techniques and the stressed-lap polishing
techniques of that Laboratory which are being used for telescope mirrors up to
8.4-m in diameter. The primary mirror is so deeply-dished that the focus of the
telescope is only as far above the mirror as the mirror is wide, thus allowing a
structure that is about three times as compact as the previous generation of
telescope designs.” [iii]
technical language aside, the “Observers” who are approved to operate VATT
and what they are using it for these days is what would take us through the
looking glass. This was confirmed minutes later by the Jesuit Father on duty
that day (whom we got on film) who told us that among the most important
research occurring with the site’s Vatican astronomers is the quest to
pinpoint certain extrasolar planets and advanced alien intelligence. He then
proceeded (as did our guide) to show us all around the observatory—from the
personal quarters of the Church’s astronomers—where they ate, slept,
relaxed, studied—to the control rooms, computer screens and systems, and even
the telescope itself. While we were given complete and unrestricted opportunity
to question how the devices are used and what distinctives set each of the
telescopes on Mt. Graham apart, we had not expected the ease with which the
astronomers and technicians would also speak of UFOs! This was especially true
when we walked up the gravel road from VATT to the Large Binocular Telescope (LBT),
where we spent most of the day with a systems engineer who not only took us to
all seven levels of that mighty machine—pointing out the LUCIFER device and
what it is used for (which he lovingly referred to as “Lucy” several times
and elsewhere as “Lucifer”) as well as every other aspect of the telescope
we tried to wrap our minds around—but who also stunned us as we sat in the
control room, listening to him and the astronomers speak so casually of the
redundancy with which UFOs are captured on screens darting through the heavens.
Our friendly engineer didn’t blink an eye, nor did any of the other scientists
in the room, and we were shocked at this, how ordinary it seemed to be.
as much as the commonality of UFO sightings on Mt. Graham’s telescopes
intrigued, this was not the primary reason for our being there. We had come with
deeper questions concerning high-level Vatican astronomers and what they had
been leaking to, and discussing with, media in recent years. Captivating
comments from Jesuit priests like Guy Consolmagno—a leading astronomer who
often turns up in media as a spokesman for the Vatican who has worked at NASA
and taught at Harvard and MIT and who currently splits his time between the
Vatican Observatory and laboratory (Specola Vaticana) headquartered at the
summer residence of the Pope in Castel Gandolfo, Italy, and Mt. Graham in
Arizona. Over the last few years, he has focused so much of his time and effort
in an attempt to reconcile science and religion in public forums specifically as
it relates to the subject of extraterrestrial life and its potential impact on the
future of faith that we decided to contact him. He agreed to be interviewed
from Rome, and over the numerous exchanges that followed he told us some things
that seemed beyond the scope. He even sent us a copy of a private pdf, a literal
goldmine of what he and the Vatican are considering regarding the ramifications
of astrobiology and specifically the discovery of advanced extraterrestrials...
in which he admits how contemporary societies will soon “look to The Aliens to
be the Saviours of humankind.”
up next: What the Vatican and it's theologians are preparing for...
Pope Benedict has resigned!
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DeleteDear Sir: as you know, the occidental calendar never had a "year zero", as it SHOULD have been counted, the same way we COUNTED the "year 2000", or the "year 1000". So in fact there is one year MISSING in our calculations. Because of that, every prophecy which has numerical calculations that point to "2012" REFER in fact to THIS ONE, the one we CALL "2013", because of the missing "year zero".
ReplyDeleteI just wanted to remind you of THIS, because I have just read your book "Petrus Romanus", where this forgotten error makes a huge difference. Everything that is calculated to happen in 2012 is IN FACT happening in 2012: because THIS is the "numeral" for the year we are living NOW. Last year was really the year 2011, of course.
Gee, interesting to see you making money off the mockery of Jesus Christ's Church. Either you are making this crap up so you can sell it to all the dope smoking conspiracy theorists, or you truly are ignorant of the truth. Either way my friend, your soul could be in jeapordy here. Look up St. Faustina and her visions of Hell. Not at all a place you want to end up, especially for mockery against God himself. I will not even pretend to pass judgement, only God can do that, but your playing with fire here. Something to think about.
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