The Final Mystery Of The Great Seal Revealed
A Terrifying And Prophetic Cipher, Hidden From The World By The U.S. Government For Over 200 Years Is Here
In the previous entry, the Akedah or story of the “binding of Isaac” on Moriah proved enlightening when viewed within the distorted importance the story holds for the occultists and their plans. An equally important lesson from the Moriah narrative related to phenomena before and after 9/11 includes how nation-influencing angels—both good and evil—can be “loosed” or “bound” above countries based on decisions made by and allowed of national leaders. In the Moriah example, Abraham’s obedience not only resulted in an angel staying the sacrifice of Isaac, but according to the Genesis Rabba from Judaism’s classical period (a collection of rabbinical homilies on the book of Genesis) Abraham’s submission directly affected the angelic “princes of the heathens” as well.
From Genesis Rabbah, 56:5 we read:
Here God immediately rewards Israel when Abraham binds Isaac to the altar by binding the princes of the heathens—the angels who served as guardians to the heathen nations—thus making them subservient to Israel. But this fettering only lasts while Israel upholds its part of the covenant with God. When Israel fails to do so, God unfetters the princes, and the heathen nations take their revenge on Israel. [1]
In view of recent history and given scriptural support for the idea that supernatural forces can be loosed or bound above nations in response to government conduct, speeches, symbols, rituals and gestures, we note with special interest who history identifies as the spirit that rules the very territory the Bush administration joined the United States in conflict with—Ahriman, the most powerful of all dark angels. Ahriman is indirectly referred to as the “prince” over Iraq/Babylon in the tenth chapter of Daniel, where the prophet had been fasting and praying for twenty-one days, hoping the God of Israel would see his fast and grant him revelation of Israel’s future. On the twenty-first day of his fast, the angel Gabriel appears and informs Daniel, “. . . from the first day thou didst set thine heart to understand, and to chasten thyself before thy God, thy words were heard, and I am come for thy words” (Dan. 10.12). If an angel had been dispatched from heaven from the first day, why did it take twenty-one days before he arrived? Gabriel provided the answer by explaining that a supernatural Persian “prince” had opposed him for twenty-one days. Not until Michael, the archangel, came to assist in this conflict was Gabriel free to continue his journey (Dan. 10.13).
In Persian theology the spirit that opposed Gabriel is identified as Ahriman—enemy of Ahura Mazda. According to Zoroastrianism, he was the powerful and self-existing evil spirit, from whom war and all other evils had their origin, and the chief of the cacodaemons, or fallen angels, expelled from heaven for their sins. The Bible identifies him specifically as “the prince of the kingdom of Persia” (Iraq/Iran), the same area that George W. Bush, like his father before him, viewed as integral to the launching of a New World Order. In this regard the Bush’s were fulfilling prophecy, as the beginning of Babylon was the Tower of Babel, where at the macrolevel Satan’s strategy to formulate a One-World system was initiated. Thereafter Babylon is viewed as being equivalent to a Satanic world-system at enmity with God and the final “kingdom-spirit” against which God will do battle (Rev. 14:8; 17:5). The Bush’s are learned men and members of more than one esoteric order, implying that they may have known exactly what they were doing, and why.
Given widespread doctrine among various religious orders concerning this cause-and-effect relationship between binding and loosing of geopolitical supernaturalism, a question arises if during the American invasion of Iraq the Bush administration or a multinational power elite operating behind U.S. political machinations was trying to “bind” something in or above Babylon through “loosing” the Angel in the Whirlwind? In other words, was an intentional effort made to magically limit interference from Ahriman by summoning the power of Metatron and Shekinah? Mystical language used by officials during this timeframe did invoke appropriate forces connected to these entities including the Angel in the Whirlwind, the Mother Of All Bombs (MOAB), and even the title by which the U.S. battle plan was launched—”Shekinah,” pronounced “Shock-n-Awe.” The language here is further connected to Freemasonic rituals and midrashic studies concerning the Moriah event in Genesis 22:4, which says, “Then on the third day Abraham lifted up his eyes, and saw the place afar off.” Just how Abraham was able from a great distance to recognize the exact location where he was to sacrifice Isaac on Moriah is not answered in the Bible, opening to midrashic interpretation that Abraham saw the Shekinah above the mountain in the form of a pillar of fire pointing him to the spot. Anecdotal Jewish writings use this interpretation to recall the pillars of cloud by day and fire by night that led the Israelites through the wilderness. Freemason writers likewise incorporate this symbolism into their mysticism involving the twin pillars of Enoch, the pillars of Solomon, and those of Masonic lodges.
In the end, the mathematical probability that the speeches, gestures, symbols, emblems and allegories thus connected to 9/11 were mere coincidence is astronomical. Even the hardiest skeptic is drawn to consider that an occult hand was at work beginning well over 200 years ago and up through this century in the design and layout of the “symbols and emblems” associated with the U.S. cities, buildings, monuments, numbers, and official seals that played a role before, on, and after 9/11. As David Flynn, author of the best selling book Temple at the Center of Time emailed me to say, “The combined occultic numbers, places, people and timing involved in the ‘terrorist attack’ is so consistent with the [goals of the Mystery organizations] that it goes beyond the agency of mere humans alone.” Researcher David Bay, Director of Cutting Edge Ministries (www.CuttingEdge.org) agrees, interpreting the events surrounding 9/11 as a catalyst for the last stage of the Masonic Baconian New Atlantis. Bay points out that even the street design in Government Center in Washington, D.C. “has been cunningly laid out in such a manner that certain Luciferic symbols are depicted by the streets, cul-de-sacs and rotaries… [which demonstrate] that the American continent was to be established as the new ‘Atlantis’, and its destiny was to assume the global leadership of the drive to the New World Order. From the beginning, the United States of America was chosen to lead the world into this kingdom of Antichrist, and Washington, D.C. was to be its capital.” [2]
That the Masonic dream of Francis Bacon’s New Atlantis launched its final stages in America following 9/11 is intriguing. The antediluvian Atlantis, which Bacon utilized as metaphor, was mentioned by Plato in his dialogues Timaeus and Critias as laying beyond the Pillars of Hercules (the Straits of Gibraltar). In a drawing on the title page of his Instauratio magna (Great Instauration), Bacon depicted the Pillars of Hercules (using classic Greek Pillars) with a ship sailing through them to conceptualize movement past the limitations of existing scholarship into the area of unlimited scientific and anomalous knowledge, represented in his Rosicrucian utopia The New Atlantis. Bacon, like other medieval thinkers including Descartes and John Dee, was interested in occult and mystical sciences, practicing alchemy and exhibiting an enduring interest in the philosophy and rituals of secret societies, especially as it involved ciphers, symbols and cryptic communication. Bacon employed geometry, mathematics and poetic language as tools for concealing “in plain site” archetypes that only metaphysicians would be able to decipher, in order to find what he had enticingly hidden. History connects these works of Bacon to the Freemasons and Rosicrucians, some of whom believe he was an Ascended Master of Wisdom (Mahatmas) or reincarnated ‘spiritually enlightened being’of the Theosophical concept who had come to bestow hidden knowledge. Notably, Bacon’s use of pillars and specifically the Pillars of Hercules advanced the popularity of figurative portals, beyond which await the treasure of lost knowledge and paranormal power. Metaphors related to such pillar mysticism also led to the combination of not two but three pairs of pillars, known as the Three Great Pillars of Freemasonry today. The importance of these three sets of pillars is commented on by David Stevenson in the Cambridge University book, The Origins of Freemasonry:
“Assuming the pillars were (as in later masonic practice) regarded as flanking the entrance to the lodge, then the mason would be seen when he passed between them as simultaneously entering a holy place (the Temple); acquiring lost knowledge or secrets (as they were also the [Enochian] pillars of knowledge); and venturing from the known to the unknown in search of new worlds (as they were also the Pillars of Hercules)… [this] would have been immensely satisfying in an age that believed that the more complex a symbol was the more powerful and valuable it became.…” [4]
Symbolically, the Twin Towers in New York (as pillars) echoed the Masonic archetype where the Pillars of Hercules, Enoch, and Solomon likewise represented passageways, beyond which one could travel to reclaim what Masons believe was lost in Atlantis, a time known to the Greeks as The Golden Age of Osiris and to the Egyptians as Zep Tepi. Accordingly, if before 9/11 leaders of truly dark powers determined that the ascendancy for the New Atlantis had arrived, occult magical tradition suggests they might have triggered an event surrounding a mega-ritual-offering (the people who died on 9/11?) powerful enough to move their invisible empire beyond the symbolic pillars in New York—which represented American industrial and financial institutions—by igniting global changes accompanied with appropriate symbolism within the context of ultranational alchemical transformation. This not only would have been to facilitate a universal call for “order out of chaos” but also to: 1) embed subtle images in the minds of uninitiated citizens for the purpose of creating contagious memes (self-replicating ideas transmitted from mind to mind through imitable phenomena such as speech, symbols, rituals and gestures) in support of a “war on terror” and tolerance of diminishing domestic freedoms; and 2) communicate to initiates around the world that the oracular date for the culmination of their New Atlantis had arrived. If what happened on 9/11 was thus meant to signal these objectives, it would necessarily be accompanied by appropriate and redundant symbolism communicating to the members of the Order that, to reach the New Atlantis, movement beyond the Pillars (in this case the Twin Towers in New York and what they represented) was occurring.

Is it therefore mere coincidence that exactly 11 years to the date following George H. W. Bush’s “New World Order” speech (and 11 years before 2012), on September 11, 2001, flight 11 crashed into the Twin Towers, whose appearance side by side not only formed a Masonic-like Pillared Gateway but architecturally the number 11? Also consider that Flight 11 hit the Twin Towers first and Flight 11 had 11 crew members. Flight 11 also had 92 passengers: 9+2 = 11; The date of the attack (9/11) equals the number eleven thus 9+1+1 = 11; September 11th is the 254th day of the year and 2+5+4 = 11; Following September 11th there are 111 days remaining in the year; New York was the 11th state added to the Union; New York City has 11 letters; Afghanistan, the first nation the U.S. attacked following 9/11 has 11 letters; George W Bush has 11 letters; The Pentagon, also attacked on 9/11, has 11 letters; Flight 77—an additional twin Master Number—hit the Pentagon, which is located on the 77th meridian, and the foundation stone for the Pentagon was laid in 1941 on September 11 in a Masonic ceremony.
While numerous additional references to the number 11 exist in connection with the events of 9/11, other important dates, equally marked by the number 11, also changed the course of history. For instance, the end of World War One in 1918 occurred on the 11th day of the 11th month at exactly the 11th hour when the Armistice agreement with Germany came into effect. Another example is the assassination of John F. Kennedy in the Masonic Dealey Plaza on the 11th month, the 22nd day, and on the 33rd parallel (note the occult numerological equation again 11, 22, 33 for “vision, action, accomplishment”). More important, the Bible connects the number 11 with the coming of Antichrist in the Book of Daniel. When referring to the beast with 10 horns (Roman Empire), the prophet, as he was considering these horns, said, “there came up among them another little horn” (Dan. 7:8). According to scholars, this 11th horn is the Antichrist who will derive power from a revived Roman Empire and New World Order, which some believe was earnestly set in motion on 9/11. Lastly, in Jewish mysticism and esoteric numerology, the number 11 is considered “the essence of all that is sinful, harmful, and imperfect.” [3]
I, as well as many others, are experiencing an unusual phenomenon concerning 11. Every day for the last few months I have seen 9:11 as well as other combinations of 11 (i.e. 3:11 7:11) on a clock. I don't see any other combinations repeatedly (i.e 3:26, 4:26...etc.) so I know I am not just noticing it... it is ridiculous really but is there any significance? David Flynn may have the answer.... I guess we'll see in July.
ReplyDeleteThanks combination of suitable and useful information and well-written sentences that will certainly entice your sense.There are so multiple comments here that are really entertaining and conducive to me thanks for sharing a link especially for sharing this blog.
DeleteGreat just Great! I was born on the 11th..Am I doomed?
ReplyDeleteI, too, have been seeing numbers in all kinds of combinations for almost 3 1/2 years now. Since God created the numbers no matter how men use them, I give God the glory. He's the Holy Creator.
ReplyDeleteIf you have a desire to know more about this topic, then read Parts I - VI found at:
just like most of what is posted on the Net you don't provide your sources or references...why?
ReplyDeletewhy should anyone take this at face value if it isn't backed up with hard research data?
obviously, without said sources this post is nothing more than another intriguing conspiracy theory...
Years ago I kept seeing 11 on the clock. It was when I inadvertently looked at it. Once I looked at it three times in a row (1 hour between each). Very odd coincidence. I don't notice it anymore though.
ReplyDeleteYou need to read what it says at the top about notations-
ReplyDeleteEditor's note: All notations will be cited when this series of articles have concluded. The information is based on research contained in Tom Horn's upcoming new book:
Every nite at exactly 1 hour after the 10 oclock news it is always 11 oclock. This is so strange it is freaking me out!
ReplyDeleteTo all scoffers: Yes, laugh at us - the fools. What folly do we believe? May I ask how long you will live? Of course, you don't know, but you know that you will surely die. But ask a faithful Christian the same question, and he will answer wothout hesitation: "Forever." And those who are not faithful will "Die Forever." Who are the fools? Take heed and study the scriptures.
ReplyDeleteas has been the case since the web went public, fools abound, who, with nothing better to do with time, mock what is obvious. while I accept the Lord Jesus, I do not proslyetize, merely ask the question, "if you do not know what it is leaders truly believe, then why do you so obediently follow them?" Gods name is unknown, you know which god is spoken of by the attributes. when a leader refers to god as the great architect, and that countries religious refer to God as the great redeemer, these are two different gods. if the leader professes faith in a god whose attributes are well documented throughout history, and you chose not to acknowledge this truth, then you will suffer through your ignorance. it does not matter if you worship the holy twinkie, but, if you mock the truth of the faith of our leaders, and agree to abide by their dictates, then fool you are. for you are led by the nose like a sacrificial animal.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous on May 19th wrote:
ReplyDelete"why should anyone take this at face value if it isn't backed up with hard research data?"
I concur, so I did some spot checking. If Wikipedia can be considered largely reliable, then I encourage you to look up "Pentagon Building", "Armistice with Germany", and anything else easily verified.
I did and I must admit, it sent a few shivers up my spine...
Hitler was Right.
ReplyDeleteI voted for obama,
ReplyDeleteI WAS WRONG, please forgive me.
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeletePeople want to waste time calling this more conspiracy theory stuff instead of taking heed, making preparations (physically and spiritually)and spreading the word. We only have 2.5 more years before life changes as we know it. No one can say for sure what's going to happen blow by blow with scientific certainty. All I know is, whatever is going on in the world right now and whatever else is coming our way, it's scary so it's better to get ready and be prepared.
ReplyDeletewhat coming is a deception ...a terrible deception with alien life at the fore front of it ....they are going to tell us the aliens are our progenitors and saviours...dont believe it....its coming ...bet on it....prepare your self spiritually and keep your mind completely open....completely..!!!
ReplyDeleteSome more 11s concerning JFK:
ReplyDeleteHe was murdered on the 326th day of the year
3 + 2 + 6 = 11
He was murdered on the 47th week of the year
4 + 7 = 11
And on the date of his murder, 11% of the year remained.
One more tid bit - 911 is a prime number.
What's really funny is, I too, see combinations of numbers on digital clocks, but the combinations I see quite often are 3:16, which reminds me constantly of John 3:16, and it always sets my heart at rest, whenever I am reminded of that.
ReplyDelete1.Job 5:9
ReplyDeleteHe performs wonders that cannot be fathomed, miracles that cannot be counted.
2.Job 9:10
He performs wonders that cannot be fathomed, miracles that cannot be counted.
3.Job 11:7
"Can you fathom the mysteries of God? Can you probe the limits of the Almighty?
4.Psalm 145:3
Great is the LORD and most worthy of praise; his greatness no one can fathom.
5.Ecclesiastes 3:11
He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end.
6.Isaiah 40:28
Do you not know? Have you not heard? The LORD is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom.
I do not have the time and/or space to go into the amount of detail I'd like to here - concerning this subject ----- but "subliminal/spiritual" is HAPPENING since 9/11.
ReplyDeleteFew months ago 1:11 PM caught my attention on a clock (why, don't know), then that evening awoke to look at clock "1:11AM". Few days later gas fill-up "11.1" gallons (giggle - look at watch) 1:11 P.M. Get home and mention to mother (facetiously) "what's up with 111, seeing it everywhere lately?!", she looks at me oddly and states "you do realize that today is the 11th don't you (of January)!!! "Wow?!, hmmm, duh?!!" Up late that same evening rapping on computer, shut down late and called x-wife, she x-claims "you realize you are calling me at 1:11 in the morning" - I hung up on her (stuned). Tune it out (not going to look at clock and no one mention any numbers to me). Then - last month, retrieving mail, car flies by while I'm at the mail box, fast and close - I turn to curse them under my breath - but eyes first catch Tag # (AWY 1111). "Yell - Arrrghhh", go inside... open letter from VA "Your appointment for the "11th" has been reschedueled... throw mail on floor (went to smoke)...
Few days later, put water in microwave for coffee (for 3:20), walk outside (porch - raining/ thunder / lightening) and smoke cigarrette - "ZAP" - transformer blows down road, power goes out. "Darn it, wanted my coffee!", 30/40 minutes later power back on - "good", go to fix coffee and the DARN MICROWAVE IS BACK ON BUT STOPPED WITH 1 Minute 11 Seconds left (AAAAGGGHHHHH) --- "WHAT G-D, WHAT?! - ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS SAY IT, I'll LISTEN!"...
Couple days later (3 days ago), surfing and posting and click on hotlink for article - run into comments about other folks and the #'s 1:11, 11, 1111, 111, and about ones!!!! The comment was like the one above about others seeing and wondering about 1:11 and advised "your not the only one, many others are experiencing this, Google 111", and so I did (google it) and there's a lot about it going on....
One of the MOST interesting stories/experiences I read was from a guy whom (obviously a better christian than I), had, after experiencing the same and wondering, prayed first and then looked to his bible for an answer - stated that immediately after praying, he grabbed a random place in his bible and turned and was lead immediately to ROMANS 1:11 (I found the VERSE extremely interesting considering the subject). Soo, now I'm just waiting to see where it leads next while semi-expecting something cool and out of the ordinary as the verse states "11I long to see you so that I may impart to you some spiritual gift to make you strong—"
Blessings ALL!!!
Woo... i just looked up bushes "toward a new world order speech" I wanted to fact check you on this. To my dismay you are right. Kind of gives me the creeps. Thanks for your research Tom
ReplyDeleteAnyone that have eyes to see and ears to hear will know the Truth and will NEVER settle for anything less.
ReplyDeletetom,GOD bless you in your journey against the storm fast approaching,i am amazed at your blessings that you share with us,thank you also i at least twice a day see 2:22 on the cloak almost every day,any one else?GOD SPEED TOM,AND ALL OF US IN THIRST OF KNOWLEDGE.
ReplyDeleteI see 9:11 too often it seems. I've noticed it for about 3 years. I also get 11:34 which I don't care for much.. 11:34 backwards and flipped, with the right font is spelled 4377 or HELL.
ReplyDeleteYou have a great imagination. You should write novels. Or are you already?
What a lot of nonsense.
To the poster who mentioned 111 being Jan 11 (in his example) consider this:
ReplyDeleteI wondered what the 111th day of the year was after reading your post. It turns out to be April 21st. Did that have any significance?
Anyway, I went on a tangent from there, and I decided to add 111 to 9-11-2001. It is 12-31-2001. Yes, that's right, from 911 to the end of that year was 111 days.
Too many ones is that soup. Someone should figure the proability of all those ones.
The website in my profile is ameturist, but I think you will find the work on the nephilim worth a look. The whole site is unfinished.
Source: Doreen Virtue www.angeltherapy.com
ReplyDelete11:11 is a wake-up call for lightworkers
This can also be linked to 111 or 11:11 PM
Other codes from 9/11.
555 means change in numerology.
555 means triple death in Gods numbers.
555 days after Sept 11 2001 Iraq was invaded, Hence much blood has been spilt since that day.
In terms of numerology if you are thinking bad karma thoughts and you get a code that contains 1's, 4's and 6's then try to relax and think good thoughts.
Note the photograph of George W. Bush and Bob Beckwith on Sept 11 2001 where Bob's helmet has 164 on it. And that day was a very bad karma day!.
8's are the same for numerology and Gods numbers. Both mean 'buckle up for a major change ahead'. The Chinese olympics started at 8:08:08 PM and look at the changes that have happened in the world since August 2008 !.
Around 1984 or so I bought my first VHS video recorder. It had a digital clock. I also soon noticed that many times when I inadvertantly looked it was always 11:11 am or pm didn't matter. Thi still hapens to this day for me.
ReplyDeleteI beieve I finaly got my answer as to why this is so. Upon watching The History Channel recently, was a program, about the lost book of Nostradamus. As a born again christian, I never put much stock in extra biblical prophets. But on this paeticular show, the year 2012 was studied. I don't have time to explain all the galactic alignments of this date,except to say, that at exactly 11:11pm EST. Is when the sun aligns with our galactic center for he first time in 13,000 years !!!
If you know anythingabout the Myan's and their calendar, the ancient sumerians etc. December, 21. 2012 is purported to be the end of the age. Now I know the exact time of day, 11:11 pm. This is so curious it cannot be ignored.
If you are a born again Christian why are you paying ANY attention to Michel de Notredame (1503-1566) AKA Nostradamus
ReplyDeleteThe Maya's descendants are walking around with LEAF BLOWERS...It's better for your soul to study the Hebrew Prophets; their descendants are still here and THEY are the Apple of GOD'S eye
I've been reading Tom Horn's works and visiting his website for years; not to mention his and David Flynn's books. I am not an easy one to convince. Not because I am a skeptic as much as I am a Berean when it comes to these matters. After years of verifying through other sources Tom's research and publications, sometimes by deliberately and other times by accident, Tom is on to something and I bet the "Evil One" and his followers don't like it. There have always been skeptics and will be to the "End." Keep up the good work, Tom. Only God knows how many souls you will reach for His Kingdom before the last and culminating "Battle of the Ages" below the hill of Megiddo.
ReplyDeleteI moved into an apartment on April 1 2008 2+8+1=11 My apartment address is 1622 Amh**** Street. 1+6+2+2=11
"their descendants are still here and THEY are the Apple of GOD'S eye."
ReplyDeleteAnd how, pray tell do you know who are the Apple of G-d's eye? Did G-d tell you that himself? I highly doubt that considering that the descendants of the Israelites flout G-d's laws with the same impunity as the gentiles do. Remember how in Leviticus and Deuteronomy G-d tells the Israelites that if they do not follow his laws the land will vomit them out? And how he commands them to be kind to strangers, widows and orphans in the lands they conquered? Or how he that moves his neighbor's fencepost is cursed? All of these commandments the Israelis are disobeying in their secular apartheid state today, so how can they be the Apple of G-d's eye? Only those who follow G-d's laws qualify - nothing granted by the Almighty is a carte-blanche ticket to get away with murder...
Mat 22:36 Master, which [is] the great commandment in the law?
ReplyDeleteMat 22:37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.
Mat 22:38 This is the first and great commandment.
Mat 22:39 And the second [is] like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.
Mat 22:40 On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.
Nearly 1.5 years ago I had a '3rd eye' experience followed by a set of 'coincidences'. My flat (101 PYNFOLDS) sold soon after for GBP 211,200. I then discovered the 'PYNFOLDS' calculates to 666. I was born in 1970, 42 years before 2012. Crazy huh? Seek the truth about wtc7, dollar symbols, and the disclosure project!
ReplyDeleteReading your last blog post about the mason idea to rebuild the temple, what about the date the article was published.
ReplyDelete9-22-1912 - written by the New York Times - 22 means vision - the year 1912 - shows 2 #11 - (1)9+(1)2.
The time between the 2 dates is 88 years and 11 months. Does 88 have a significance?
Message to above message.
ReplyDelete8's are the same for numerology and Gods numbers. Both mean 'buckle up for a major change ahead'.
The Chinese olympics started at 8th August 2008 at 8 PM (8,8,08,8PM) and look at the changes that have happened in the world since August 2008 !.
Just before the olympics China had a earthquake Richter scale 8 !
In 'numerology' circles, '11' represents warring brothers.
ReplyDelete11/11, (by the numbers) represents 'double-judgement', in Christianity.
9+1+1 = 11 or 9/11
ReplyDelete7+2+2 = 11 or 7/22
5+3+3 = 11 or 5/33
This came to mind after reading your article. Does it mean anything to you?
Has anyone forgotten that the Pick 3 and Pick 4 lottery numbers,in Chicago's drawing on Nov.5,2208,the day the votes were tallied in Obama's favor,were 666 and 7779,respectively,.666=anti-christ,and 777=completion,and the 9 stands for Judgement.
ReplyDelete....Anonymous wrote:
I finished reading the entire post and when I got done I looked down at the clock on my computer just for kicks and the time was exactly 1:11 PM! Now that is scary!!
I would also like to point out something that is not lost on those who are triving to usher in the NWO. That something is a very interetsting verse in Revelation:
"And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon."
This verse is nothing less than Revelation 9:11!
Peace in Christ,
Like you,Ray,I also came across the connection/coincidence of the 9:11 scripture. Around that same time I heard Obama referred to as "Barack Apollo Obama",and Googled it,and lo and behold,there it was,in multiples! Since I've been analyzing events from all kinds of perspectives,I found Revelation 20:12 eerily similar to what's perceived as coming in the year 2012. It says,"And I saw the dead,great and small,standing before the throne,and books were opened.Another book was opened,which is the book of life.The dead were judged according to what they had done as recorded in the books." That would be "Judgement Day" ! Praise the Lord!...Sandie
ReplyDeleteThis last year has been an "awakening" for me,in ways I'd have never imagined. Praise God He gave me eyes to see and ears to hear! Like many of you,I also experienced the phenomenon of seeing the "11:11"numbers,beginning around the year 2000. It increased in frequency over the years,as did my confusion. It wasn't until I had what could be called a "religious experience" when reading this scripture,"Concerning this salvation,the prophets,who spoke of the grace that was to come to you,searched intently and with the greatest care,TRYING TO FIND THE TIME AND CIRCUMSTANCES TO WHICH THE SPIRIT OF CHRIST IN THEM WAS POINTING,WHEN HE PREDICTED THE SUFFERINGS OF CHRIST AND THE GLORIES THAT WOULD FOLLOW. It was revealed to them that they were not serving themselves,but you,when they spoke of the things that have now been told you by those who have preached the gospel to you,by the Holy Spirit,sent from heaven. Even angels look into these things." That's from 1 Peter 1:10-12,verse 11 written in capital letters. What it looked like to me was 1 Peter 1:11. What I felt go through me was a trembling I couldn't deny,followed by tears of joy and relief,and realization! This,to me,answered the mystery of the "11:11" that had been dominating the background of my existence for such a long time! I wouldn't assume that this would answer the mystery of that phenomenon to others it is happening to,(I think God can get your attention in any number of ways,for all kinds of reasons!),but I offer this in case it does mean something to some of you. BTW,after this "insight" came to me,I rarely see the combination "11:11" anymore!-I kinda miss it! But it served it's purpose to me,in that it appeared to be a "wake-up" call of sorts,and to tell the truth,I haven't been the same since. Has anyone else had similar experiences,along with other "revelations" or "awakenings",so to speak? If so, I look forward to your reply!...In Christ,Sandie
ReplyDeleteIn reading part 6 it just occurred to me that 3000 were saved on the day of Pentacost, the day ushering in the age of the Holy Spirit, & on 9/11 3000 were 'sacrificed' to usher in this new counterfeit era.
ReplyDeleteNB Victor Shlatter (SpimAust@aol.com)attributes 9/11 to one of the trumpets of Revelations.
I was recently was introduced to the Bethlehem Star DVD and book Temple at the Centre of Time (in which Ch 14 answers the question posed by Rick in the DVD about the Dragon of Revelation 12 that was poised to snatch the male child). The DVD & book are relevant to Tom Horn's series in that what we now appear to be observing with unprecedented clarity is the end-times Cosmic Clock (see the Bethlehem Star DVD) unfolding before our eyes.
To those reading this, be grateful 'to have eyes to see' the times and the common sense to realise that such insight at the 11th hour (excuse the pun)is not just for the purpose of producing goose-bumps.
Carpe Diem, Brian.
Tom Horn wrote: "a time known to the Greeks as the Golden Age of Osiris"
ReplyDeleteWhy would the Greeks name this golden age after an Egyptian deity and not their own. Osiris is Egyptian.
I realize that all of the deities are the same and only the names are changed to protect the demonic.
But each culture named these deities with names that had meaning in their native language. Osiris means nothing in Greek.
If Tom desires for us to take his work seriously, I believe he should too.
One anonymous contributor wrote: "prepare your self spiritually and keep your mind completely open....completely..!!!"
ReplyDeleteThe 2 problems with the foregoing is that you make yourself a slave and target for every stupid doctrine and idea that comes down the pike. And some are unquestionably stupid.
The second problem is: If you keep your mind open too much... your brains fall out.
I think all you folks get too much into numerology.
ReplyDeleteEspecially the number 11.
It is all coincidence. I bet you can give a good handshake, which I will return!
Tom, what does your study of numbers tell you about the number 8? There were 8 years between the 1993 attack on the trade Center and 2001 - and we are now 8 years after that date. Anything going to happen this Fall??
ReplyDeleteI really enjoy listening to Tom Horns interviews with radio hosts. His 4 part series with Steve Quayle was fascinating! I listened to it 2X's..just to make sure I understood it. It makes my skin crawl, to know there are those people (?) that wish to rule over the common people. It's not about money/fame/fortune...it's simply to have POWER over us. WHY???
ReplyDeleteI'm a simple person. I enjoy simple pleasures. I love the Lord and try to treat everyone the same. It blows me away when I think about detention camps, starving, manmade plagues, and then throw Giants into the mix....it's going to be our worst nightmare, come true. All the new laws the Elite wish to chain us to...while they can cheat on taxes, have clean food/water and access to healthcare. GOD has something very special in mind for those folks. The little guy wins in this story...the Bible says so. Everyone, try to get right with the Creator. Ask for forgiveness...live life right until it's over.
BTW: Never stop preparing. That goes for your heart, as well as food/water/meds/everyday stuff.
ReplyDeletePeople will have to learn how to barter in order to survive. Growing your own food is essential. Having silver & gold (if one can afford it) on hand is a good idea, too. Keep it simple.
I find myself talking to GOD, all the time. This is new for me....but I sure love it. I know the Creator hears our cries & prayers, sees the injustice being done to ALL of us. He cares!! I pray for courage....and refer to myself as a Watchman, trying to wake others up.
what a interesting calculation.
ReplyDeleteSeptember 11 in our memories will last forever.
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ReplyDeleteCheck out the 11th book of the Scriptures: 1Kings
ReplyDeleteThe 11 Chapter, and 11th verse; and see what is there. God is not at all happy with Solomon; Hmmmmmmm. Interesting.
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ReplyDeleteSince dark blood ritual done the way the demons demand include:
Plotted by evil lives deeply guided by demons
Destruction of human life
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Creation of terror and fear...doorways for the demons
Blood released..doorway and attachment by demons
Killing the person while they are alive
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When a person loses one or more tooth and wants to get it replaced, an artificial tooth root placed in their jaw area, which would hold the artificial replacement teeth (prosthodontics), this artificial tooth root, usually made of titanium or ceramic material, is called implants.
ReplyDeleteImplanting tooth is based on human bone's natural ability to fuse on implant materials over a while. Dental implants have numerous advantages over conventional treatments using dentures and bridges anchored to the adjacent tooth.
Enough bone mass and healthy gums are the prerequisites to receive dental implant treatment. If you lack any of those parameters, you might require additional procedures before proceeding to dental implants. Check out bone grafting (augmentation) or sinus lift section to understand more.
Doctor. TK. Prabu would decide your treatment options based on various parameters like your bone density of jaws and gum health using multiple sophisticated instruments like CAD/CAM
Simulation and computed tomography and stents.
Though many advancements made on dental implant techniques, it is not a new thing and has been practised over the last 60 years. In 1965 Brånemark placed his first titanium dental implant into a human volunteer. He termed the clinically observed adherence of bone with titanium as "osseointegration" Since then, implants techniques have evolved so much (Excerpts from Wikipedia).
Interesting Facts
There is archaeological evidence that humans have attempted to replace missing teeth with root form implants for thousands of years. Remains from ancient China (dating 4000 years ago) have carved bamboo pegs, tapped into the bone to replace lost teeth, and 2000-year-old remains from Egyptian mummies were found to have transplanted human teeth.
An archaeological site in Honduras dating back to 600 AD found a young Mayan woman with three missing teeth replaced by pieces of seashells with Bone growth around two of that implants (seashell), indicating that they were functional well as esthetic. (Excerpts from
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