The Final Mystery Of The Great Seal Revealed
A Terrifying And Prophetic Cipher, Hidden From The World By The U.S. Government For Over 200 Years Is Here
It would be pleasant to think that using the Bible during the US Presidential Oath of Office actually means something to those who place their hand on it and swear to “faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States… so help me God.” But Obama, who had to repeat his swearing in ceremony after the word “faithfully” was garbled by Chief Justice John Roberts during the inauguration, did so the following day in the Map Room of the White House before a press pool and a small group of aides, and this time, the Oath was administered without the use of a Bible, insinuating to some that the Good Book was only public “eye-candy” in the first instance and also that the Oath of Barack Hussein Obama was biblically invalid.
While this may seem trivial to the average person, what it means to secret orders is consequential. Groups such as Masons (who honored Obama with the first-ever-inaugural ball in Washington, DC, January 20th, 2009) esteem rituals, gestures, the use of books such as the Bible, and Oaths taken by heads of State to be of the highest mystical importance. This is why everything they do is administered through appropriate rituals, initiations and incitations. Ethereal power—including supernatural agents—can be manipulated, bound and released to execute blessings or curses as a result of proper oaths. Breaking an oath can likewise result in dire repercussion in their opinion. Because this is not taken lightly by occultists, members of the Craft would have a difficult time believing the Oath of Office of the President of the US—one of the most hallowed American traditions—was so easily flubbed. The very beginning of the Oath, “I do solemnly swear,” is a spiritual petition. The word ‘solemn’ means ‘an invocation of a religious sanction’ or entreaty before deity to witness, sanction and bless the binding nature of the ceremony to carry out the office or duty. The oath also binds the individual before “God” to faithfully execute the covenant. Thus government representatives make an oath before taking public office, and witnesses in a court of law take an oath to “swear to tell the truth” before offering testimony.
These principles are deeply rooted in the Judeo-Christian faith as well as most other religions. Though there is no way of knowing what the Presidential Oath of Office deeply means to Obama or whether the blunder and redo of the swearing in ceremony was anything more than an accident, the unprecedented gaffe was suspicious to some as possibly representing important hidden meaning. Misgivings over it were additionally compounded when reflected against other curious activities and declarations by Barack Obama, which most of the media missed, downplayed, or simply refused to report on, that strongly connected his emergence with occult mythology identified in the Bible as both prophetic and demonic.
An extraordinary example of this was when Obama gave his speech in Berlin, Germany, on July 24th, 2008, titled “The World that Stands as One.” More than a few students of occult history took notice of the symbolism and location of the event, even causing some who until then had rejected any “antichrist” labels hurled at Obama to reconsider their position. This included respected Catholic writer Michael O’Brien, best known for his apocalyptic novel Father Elijah. O’Brien had received numerous letters and emails from subscribers and visitors to his website wondering if Obama was the Antichrist. At first O’Brien wrote that this was not possible. Then a friend that had seen Obama’s speech in Berlin called him, talking about how mesmerizing the speech was and that an announcer over German radio had said: “We have just heard the next President of the United States… and the future President of the World.” By now Obama was conveying an unusual likeness to the Antichrist character of his novel. After watching the Berlin speech several times for himself, O’Brien sent out a newsletter in which he admitted that, while he still doubted Obama was the prophesied ruler of the end times, he had come to believe he was “a carrier of a deadly moral virus, indeed a kind of anti-apostle spreading concepts and agendas that are not only anti-Christ but anti-human as well.” O’Brien finally conceded Obama could be instrumental in ushering in the dreaded Great Tribulation period, and worse, that he was “of the spirit of Antichrist.” [34] After Obama’s term of office was underway, O’Brien pointed out the numerous foreign and domestic problems Obama was facing, including wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, the possibility of a new war with Iran, and issues related to the crumbling financial systems, saying these obstacles could overshadow Obama and lead to his defeat in the next presidential election. O’Brien then added in what was a clear reference to the coming of Antichrist, “Alternatively, he could become the ‘Great Facilitator,’ negotiator, peacemaker, working marvels throughout the world as he moves from one seemingly unsolvable problem to another.” [35]

During the 1930s, Hitler commissioned Albert Speer “the first architect of the Third Reich” to design the new capital. As part of the plans, the “Siegessäule” or Berlin Victory Column—a 226-foot monument topped by a golden winged figure representing Borussia, the female personification of Prussia, and Victoria, the cult goddess of military victory—was removed from its location in front of the Reichstag building in 1939 and relocated to its current location in the Tiergarten, a 495 acre park in the middle of Berlin where Obama gave his speech in front of the Nazi symbol.
Rainer Brüderle, deputy leader of the liberal political party Free Democrats in Germany complained to the newspaper Bild am Sonntag: “The Siegessäule in Berlin was moved to where it is now by Adolf Hitler. He saw it as a symbol of German superiority and of the victorious wars against Denmark, Austria and France.” This represented a serious question In Brüderle’s mind as to “whether Barack Obama was advised correctly in his choice of the Siegessäule as the site to hold a speech on his vision for a more cooperative world.” [36] Another German politician named Andreas Schockenhoff was equally disturbed, saying, “It is a problematic symbol.” [37]
Evidently it was not problematic for Obama, who stood in front of it and saluted the German audience in a way eerily similar to what Adolf Hitler used to do, followed by thousands returning the salute, which is against German law. When Obama ended his speech in front of the war goddess, he said, “With an eye toward the future, with resolve in our hearts, let us remember this history, and answer our destiny, and remake the world once again.” This is exactly what Hitler had promised to do and exactly where he had planned to memorialize it.
Of greater significance and not far from where Obama delivered his rousing speech, is the Great Altar of Zeus in the Pergamon Museum. According to several reports, Obama visited the Great Altar while in Berlin, which is especially important given what he did on returning to the United States. Before we examine Obama’s revealing actions, consider carefully what the Bible says about the Altar of Zeus in the letter to the church in Pergamos (Pergamum, Pergamon).
“And to the angel of the church in Pergamos write; These things saith he which hath the sharp sword with two edges; I know thy works, and where thou dwellest, even where Satan’s seat is: and thou holdest fast my name, and has not denied my faith, even in those days wherein Antipas was my faithful martyr, who was slain among you, where Satan dwelleth” (Rev. 2:12-13).
In the Greek, the phrase “where Satan’s seat is” literally means, “where a throne to Satan is.” Scholars identify this throne or ‘seat’ as the Great Altar of Zeus that existed in Pergamos at that time. So important was the worship of Zeus in ancient Pergamos that perpetual sacrifices were offered to him upon the towering and famous 40-foot high altar. Antipas, the first leader and martyr of the early Christian church is believed to have been slain on this altar, slowly roasting to death inside the statue of a bull, the symbol and companion of Zeus. The phrase in Revelation 2:13 “wherein Antipas was my faithful martyr, who was slain among you, where Satan dwelleth” is considered a citation of this event.
Approximately two-thousand years after Revelation 2:13 was written, German archeologists removed the massive altar of Zeus from the ruins of Pergamos and took it to Berlin, where it was restored as the centerpiece of the Pergamon Museum. It is here that Hitler first adored it, later building an outdoor replica of it from which he gave a series of speeches that mesmerized many Germans.
“Fast forward about another 75 years,” says blogger El Gallo. “Another charismatic young politician mesmerizes huge German crowds with a rousing speech in Berlin. Barack Hussein Obama…. [and] did Barack Obama visit… the Great Altar of Zeus…? Presumably he did.” [38]

Thus, incredibly, like Hitler, Obama had honored the goddess Victoria with his presence before ordering a replica of the biblical throne of Satan built, upon which he accepted his date with destiny.
A final troubling disclosure at the conclusion of this entry may cast light on why Obama seemed fascinated with such anti-Christian symbolism in the lead-up to his election victory. A Hadith (tradition) sacred to Shiite Islam from the 17th century contains a prophecy from Ali ibn Abi-Talib, which predicts that just before the return of the Mahdi (the end-times redeemer of Islam), a “tall black man will assume the reins of government in the West.” This leader will command “the strongest army on earth” and will bear “a clear sign” from the third imam, Hussein. The prophecy concludes that: “Shiites should have no doubt that he is with us.”
Does this Islamic prophecy identify Obama as the “promised warrior” who comes to help the savior of Shiite Muslims conquer the world? Amir Taheri asked this very question for Forbes Magazine in October, 2008, pointing out how “Obama’s first and second names—Barack Hussein—mean ‘the blessing of Hussein’ in Arabic and Persian” while his “family name, Obama, written in the Persian alphabet, reads O Ba Ma, which means ‘he is with us,’ the magic formula in Majlisi’s tradition.” [41]
Leap forward to 2009, and Barack Hussein Obama on June 4 gave an unprecedented speech to the Muslim world from Cairo, Egypt declaring that he is launching a new era between the United States and the Muslim world. For the first time, Obama was forthright about his Muslim heritage and stated that the United States—which he is on record as saying is “no longer a Christian nation”—is now “one of the largest Muslim countries in the world.” Newsweek editor Evan Thomas followed the president’s speech with a declaration reflected in the opinion of many, that “Obama is standing above the country, above the world, he is a sort of God.”
This is odd- this ending was never intended to come.
ReplyDeleteEurope to be guilty of fraud and guilty of having the throne of Satan in its midst!
To be Germany and to be Satan was never intended. Though was WWII the second Judgment Cycle. The first was the fall of Russia into barbarism and utterly adulatory! It has been two distinct changes.
1.) The sinking of Bismark and by that was the throne of Satan sunk as well. What is found in Germany is a falsification. This is true but as history never tells it to be right must others come to the brink of destruction. The throne came to Germany as those who were to inherit the throne died in
2.) the sinking of ship which had the original in its vaults. That ship was sunk by technology yet to be developed.
Technology is widely given by ETs, who are yet to be disclosed. US of America is the seat of Satan.
The original Seat of Satan is not in Germany- on the contrary it is hidden in USA! Why cannot anyone understand the bible- because in the end will there be a strong delusion and a gigantic lie is to be manifested right in front of those being followers of Satan aka USA! USA cannot understand its part in that illusion. I know perfectly well that in many regards will Jesus Christ be called the evil one would he manifest! This is why he cannot manifest before you quit telling him to be the Antichrist! All the societies run after someone who has tainted DNA and they call him god! Cannot you not understand that you will fail accordingly! Only a bodily resemblance with tainted DNA can host Satan! Why cannot you understand seeing him half naked with his breast shown that he cannot be human aka perfect without having tainted DNA! The Genome Project being done by the so-called Farm Project had its only goal to have a man to be the throne of Satan! US of America will be sunk- not because of its sins alone. All of man sin but it has decided to worship the throne of Satan or its embodiment in a man.
It is personal- Jesus Christ has spoken through His servant!
I have not much time to visit many websites. But today I found this site accidently. I explored much information which is useful to my life. Thanks! Judi Bola Online
DeleteGod is going to warn us soon and lead us to a place of safety! God is going to protect his people from this evil. Trust in God and pray!!!
ReplyDeleteThank you, Tom Horn, for your boldness to say what needs to be shouted from the roof tops, but a warning.
ReplyDeleteHopefully now, people are understanding why a true believer in the Hebrew Scripture would never call their Messiah "je-zeus". This plays into the occult lie.
You chritians call out to Zeus every time you go to your sun-day services. If Tom Horn keeps this work up he we find himself at a crossroads like all of us do.
Do you follow the commandments of YHWH or follow the traditions of men?
The Messiah Yahushua went to Synagogue and kept the law of Moses, as did all of the disciples. To follow him is to do the same work he did.
Because here's where the rubber meets the road. (study what I'm saying and you'll find truth.) The anti-messiah will march into the rebuilt temple and stop the sacrifices.
These offerings are done according to Moses and not the christain church. Will you be on the side of the anti-messiah wishing the sacrifices to stop? OR will you be on the side of YHWH that understands what sacrifices are for, and will be celebrating the restoration of the Law?
Look at the prophecy! Bottom line, there will be a temple and there will be sacrifices. One side says "no" offerings in this way are done. Another says "Yes" it is good that YHWH is finally receiving his proper worship. (REV 11)
And don't give me that "jesus was the last sacrifice" crap! The Messiah was the "Lamb of Adoni" sacrifice that was promised to Abraham in the Torah. The sacrifices in the temple are for worship of the Mighty One of Israel and they are forever. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
I know this is way too deep for some of you, but
the bounderies for the last days are shaping fast- TRUTH must privail. Questions? check out my blog-Shalom
The messiah has already come my fried There were 100's of prophesies fulfilled in his coming and he is alive and can be experienced every day. Jesus is the lamb of God and the 1000's of Jews that have studied the scriptures and received him as there savior and experience him now understand the truth.. Go to Robert Paces website and read the millions of people that of read the truth about what is happening right now and how it is written in the word and being fulfilled right in front of our eyes.
DeleteBrian153, Yeshua is the lamb of God whether you call him Yeshua or Jesus, the Father knows who you are referring to since He sees your heart. He paid the price for our sins once and for all. Read it in Isaiah 53 and Psalm 22. There is no getting around it. You can argue and mock all that you want to no avail. When Yeshua breathed His last he said "it is finished" and the curtain in the temple was rent in two opening the way for us to enter the Holy of Holies which is now our bodies where the Ruach ha Kodesh now resides.
ReplyDeleteOkay, so my blog of last week was pretty close to the truth. The most Anti-Christian/Anti-God/Anit-Semetic President the USA has ever had > Barack Hussein Obama IS working for THE ANTICHRIST!!! Thank you Tom Horn for your incredible research!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteSweet, solid, and assuasive. But here's the rub- only those of us who are getting CLOSER to Papa, see the truth of what is posted...
Remember my family, the word for this year is "L-A-O-D-I-C-E-A-N."
I hope that means something to someone.
Obama, may not be THE 'Anti-Christ'- but he may be the 'King of the North'.
In any event, this is the 'time of sorrows'- act accordingly.
I wonder if Obama is one of the three kings of(the ten kings of Daniel 7:24) that the Antichrist will pluck up.
ReplyDeleteYou people need to reread Revelations again; if Obama fits any kind of biblical precedent it would be that of the false prophet, who causes all great and small to worship the image of the beast whose head was wounded and healed. All the ceremonies lionizing Ronald Reagan (who actually joked about being the Antichrist) seem to fit that storyline as well.
ReplyDeleteDear friend Bob,
ReplyDeleteYou miss understand what I'm saying. We agree that the Messiah is the "Lamb of G-d" sacrifice. The temples on Earth were only patterns of the real heavenly temple, nothing has been done away with. Your issue is comprehending that the temple sacrifices are to continue forever. Re-read my last comment about the anti-messiah and stopping the sacrifice. By wishing the Law gone you remove the need for the Messiah, and the and you agree with the evil one.
These are called stumbling blocks for the believers. Here are more proofs of correct worship. Read the Scripture and think about these questions.
Exodus 23:13
And in all things that I have said unto you be circumspect: and make no mention of the name of other gods, neither let it be heard out of thy mouth.
1) Does this say we can call him any name we wish?
Acts 21
26Then Paul took the men, and the next day purifying himself with them entered into the temple, to signify the accomplishment of the days of purification, until that an offering should be offered for every one of them.
2) Was Sha'ul in error to worship and sacrifice in the temple after the Messiah had come and gone? Or is it, that Paul understands sacrifice and worship and the christian church still does not?
Jer 33
20Thus saith the LORD; If ye can break my covenant of the day, and my covenant of the night, and that there should not be day and night in their season;
21Then may also my covenant be broken with David my servant, that he should not have a son to reign upon his throne; and with the Levites the priests, my ministers.
22As the host of heaven cannot be numbered, neither the sand of the sea measured: so will I multiply the seed of David my servant, and the Levites that minister unto me.
3) YHWH says he will multiply the seed of David and the Levites who minister to Him. What do you say?
My point in these, and my first, comments was not to fight with anyone, but it was to display the end time scene. When the future temple is built will you oppose it like the anti-messiah or will you be worshiping there? Plain and simple.
Rev 11
1And there was given me a reed like unto a rod: and the angel stood, saying, Rise, and measure the temple of God, and the altar, and them that worship therein.
I've written much to think about. With time and deep study, all will see that these words are true. To the novice, what I'm saying seems difficult.
This is Horn's site and I don't want to impose anymore, I said what I wanted to say. Any more discussion is welcomed at my blog.- Shalom
ReplyDeleteIf it as you say then the sacrifice of Jesus for our sins was in vein. I know for a fact that is not the case. Is it important what Jesus is called? I can show you many verses in the Bible where Jesus has many names, Prince of Peace, the Morning Star, Emmanuel etc. You speek from a Judeo/Mosaic law point of view. You are complicating salvation when we are specifically told that salvation is a gift and that it cannot be earned through works/sacrifices. Jesus even tells us he does not want our sacrifices!
We are no longer required to make blodd sacrifices. But if we were where would you find an unblemished lamb in these times of genetically modified, diseased aniamls? The answer is you can't. If you want to please God then accept his Son, Jesus and rejoice in the simpicity that is in Christ!
Much of what Tom Horn is stating in Part Nine of this article aligns with The Lucifer Project - Raising Antichrist at http://watchman33.wordpress.com/2009/04/. This eight part series not only discloses Obama's oath miscue and what it could mean, but what the real Presidential Oath of office discloses since 1980. Read it for yourself and decide...
ReplyDeleteIf you have any doubt as to where we stand in the prophectic time-line, consider this. 2011 marks the 7000 anniversary of the flood. God gave Noah a 7 day warning befoe he sealed the Ark. Did God, at that same moment, warn us that we have 7000 years until the end of the age? (See 2Peter chapt 3 verse 8) Things are fitting together very closely now. He has but a little time.
ReplyDeleteObama says he will finish next 100 days in 72 days and then he will rest. This will be July 11-12th. This is EXACTLY 1260 days until Dec 21, 2012. Interesting!
ReplyDeleteFellow Christians, we have been warned to beware of "Judaizers", those who would try to bring us back into slavery...
ReplyDelete"...Jesus Christ is our 'red heifer'. He was the One who was "without spot and blemish", Numbers 19:2. He knew no sin (2nd Corinthians 5:21), He did no sin (1st Peter 2:22), and in Him is no sin (1st John 3:5). The red speaks of his precious blood, which was shed for us (Matthew 26:28). The purity speaks of its efficacy, which is able to cleanse the "iniquity of us all", Isaiah 53:6. He was slain outside the city walls (Numbers 19:3, Hebrews 13:12), and His body was laid in a clean place in which never a man had lain (Numbers 19:9, John 19:41). And He is become our "purification for sin". Have your sins been forgiven? Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved (Acts 16:31).
Acts 13:38-39
Be it known unto you therefore, men and brethren, that through this man is preached unto you the forgiveness of sins: And by him all that believe are justified from all things, from which ye could not be justified by the law of Moses.
These articles are very informative, let's pray many will awaken to this trumpet of truth. Here in France they praise BHO as God. When he came for D-day BHO got the private tour of Paris and the luxury stores opened for him even though it was Sunday and here everything is closed on Sunday.The entire D-day ceremo,y was live on several channels - all day.
ReplyDeleteThose who cheese on the Law, will be known as the "LEAST" in Heaven- those who DO, and TEACH the Law, will be known as "GREAT".
FUNZO may be the 'False Prophet', however- that by no means precludes him from being the 'King of the North' aswell.
The Commander as 117 titles, we- as Saints, has more than one title aswell. Being called 'wheat', only precludes us from being 'chaff'.
An Addendum:
ReplyDeleteThe "day of rest" FUNZO refers to, is also a day of Sabbath...(for Satanists...hello).
For those of you trying to "correct" Brian, and speaking gospel basics to him: he obiously knows scripture, moreso then you, yet instead of listening to the life giving wisdom he presents, you instead ARGUE with him using your doctrial learnings.
ReplyDeleteAre you wanting a pat on the back from your church for holding their line, or do you TRULY want to live as a child of YHVH?
How insulted Y'shua must feel to hear people basically say, "Who cares what His name is?!? We'll call him whatever we feel like calling Him."
How many scriptures speak of His "NAME" and the power of It? Many. Yet when someone tries to open your sleepng little eys that you're actually using a name for SATAN..you jump on him with your baseless dedication to your teachings of error, rather than seeking the Truth for yourselves, which is all he recommended.
Then you twist your little party line scriptures, and recite their apoligetics that you've memorized that help you sleep well at night. You know, those scriptures you use to convince yourselves that you dont have to obey the commands of YHVH? Let's look at some:
"If it as you say then the sacrifice of Jesus for our sins was in vein."
-No, that is obviously not what he said. Y'shua came to fulfill the law, NOT, abolish it. Just as the patriacrchs followed the Torah, and sacrificed the animals as a symbol of Y'shua, we also are to follow the Torah today.
"Is it important what Jesus is called?"
ReplyDelete"What an arrogant and rude question, showing the heart of the asker and their lack of relationship, or desire thereof, with Him.
"You are complicating salvation when we are specifically told that salvation is a gift and that it cannot be earned through works/sacrifices."
How was he "complicating salvation" when he did not even mention salvation? Nor did he say anything about obtaining it "through works/sacrifices." What he WAS saying is that those who TRULY LOVE The LORD will, as David, delight in His commands, meditate on them, and love them.
Messiah was the Torah incarnate. If we say we love and obey Him, but do not love and obey Torah, we are a liar, and if we teach other people to also reject His Torah, we are in the gravest of error.
"Jesus even tells us he does not want our sacrifices!"
I would assume the writer is reciting a sermon he heard in reference to YHVH's statement "in the blood of bulls and goats I was not pleased."
That verse does not negate the fact that HE instituted the sacrificial system and every detail of it. Nor does it negate the fact that it was never abolished by Him.
"We are no longer required to make blodd sacrifices."
ReplyDeleteGod's people are required to, but there is no preisthood or alter yet...or the unblemished hefer. But once those things are in place, do not elevate yourself above God and say, "don't do it, we are no longer required," because He commanded it.
"If you want to please God then accept his Son, Jesus and rejoice in the simpicity that is in Christ!"
There's that new-age, feel-good, do-whatever-you-want mindset at the real heart of this issue, and this earth age. G-d gave the Torah (commands, instuctions, laws) Whenever the Bible refers to lawless, it means "without Torah." That's why the antichrist is called the man of lawlessness (Torahlessness). That is why "he will cause the sacrifice to cease." because he hates the Torah.
Therefore, the point Brian was making is this...
If antichrist does not want the Torah obeyed, why do most "Christians" not want it obeyed either? That should spurn other questions such as; waht about the "10 Commandmens?" Do we follow those? Then what about the 4th Commandment?" Then what about the others?
Those who truly seek G-d, and not just play "believer." Will always be brought to the understanding that there is no "old" and "new" testaments with G-d. There is only His eternal Word.
"If you want to please God then accept his Son, Jesus and rejoice in the simpicity that is in Christ!"
The Son, Y'shua, says in Revelation, "if you love Me, keep my commands."
James says if we claim to follow Him, we must walk as He walked. And believe me, His walk was not 'simple'. In fact, He makes a big deal about how you better count the cost before following Him. IS picking up a cross every day "simple."??
"The simplicity that is Christ" may have sounded good to you when you heard it on Bob George, but it's not what you'd get from reading the Bible yourself and asking G-d for wisdom and insight.
If you are too spiritally and mentally lazy to do that, that is your perogative, but when you try to hack down true students of YHVH's word with your regurgitated lies, telling others to NOT keep the Commmandments of G-d, making you no different than every other belief out there, then that's when it goes from foolish to reprehnsible.
The definition of "sin" is to violate the Torah.
If we love Y'shua, we follow His Commands as a result of our love for Him, and His for us. Not to "earn salvation." If we reject His Commands, it's time for a serious gut check...not arguments with those who do.
In God's eyes there are Jews, Christians and gentiles. The Jews are the wife of God--The christians are the bride of Christ and the rest of humanity are gentiles (by choice)
ReplyDeleteGod will deal with his wife when he is ready. They were blinded to the truth which is in Christ Jesue so the gentiles could become the family of God also and the invitation to all men is open until God decides to end it all.
At that time the eyes of the jews will be opened and all Isrial shall be saved.As for how the christian should worship God the scripture says "let every man work out his own salvation with fear and trembeling" God knows every heart and that is what will be judged in the end.
Well said!
("Is it important what Jesus is called?"
ReplyDelete"What an arrogant and rude question, showing the heart of the asker and their lack of relationship, or desire thereof, with Him.)
I do not feel arrogant at all. What I was saying is that Jesus has many names as given in the Holy Scripture. And my relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ is very profound and sincere and I do not need to justify myself to any man or woman. You on the other hand are the one who has a confused relationship with Jesus. You are a Judaizer and are saying that Jesus sacrifice does not suffice. According to you we must be circumsized, follow the law as given by Moses and perform sacrifices in order to please Jesus. Sorry, but you are wrong. I am not a Promise Keeper who uses salvation as a license to sin. I am and independent fundamentalist Baptist and adhere strictly to what the Bible says, not just the Old Testament. I believe it 100% from beginning to end no questions asked. God has given us the Bible so that we can know our origins, how we are to live and what is to come. I take my faith in God and His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ very seriously. Judaizers have been trying to confuse the faith since the days of Jesus and they have been failing. All yoou do is keep saying that salvation can only be attained by circumcision, sacrifices, keeping the law etc. God knows every man's heart and where their heart is. My heart is with Jesus Christ and I have faith in Him and His promise. Show me one instance in the New Testament where it says that we are to perform sacrifices and I will concede that you are right. Don't show me Old Testament verses. I want you to show me New Testament verses that clearly state that we are to perform sacrifices as you say we are.
ReplyDeleteLet me clarify a few things for you.
("You are complicating salvation when we are specifically told that salvation is a gift and that it cannot be earned through works/sacrifices."
How was he "complicating salvation" when he did not even mention salvation? Nor did he say anything about obtaining it "through works/sacrifices." What he WAS saying is that those who TRULY LOVE The LORD will, as David, delight in His commands, meditate on them, and love them.
Messiah was the Torah incarnate. If we say we love and obey Him, but do not love and obey Torah, we are a liar, and if we teach other people to also reject His Torah, we are in the gravest of error.)
He is complicating salvation by imposing the Mosaic law on Christians. How can I be any clearer?
Let me tell you so there will be no confusion. I do love the commandments of God and see them as His perfect laws. I have no problem at all with that. Is that clear with you? I hope so.
Messiah was not the Torah incarnate. He was God who came to earth in the flesh. He is the Word (complete Bible), the Light and the Truth (Those are also a few more names that have been attributed to Jesus.) and no man comes to the Father but through Him. (I will not quote scripture too much because I am sure you will have some rational reply.) Do you believe these things I have written here?
Let me ask you. Do you believe that one has to perform sacrifices, be circumcised, obey the Mosaic law, celebrate the Jewish holidays to attain salvation or to please God?
I think this is a clash of cultures. I believe if you are of Jewish faith, you keep the ways of your faith. The early church eased the way for gentiles to come into the church by not forcing them to convert to the Jewish faith FIRST and then become Christian. If your culture follows the Jewish faith of the Old Testament, then by all means, you should keep them. If you are not following the Jewish faith, it would be very hard for you to understand their traditional worship; the early Christians allowed those traditions to be replaced by the following of the Christ. The old ways are important, the more we understand them, the closer we are to G*d.
ReplyDelete"If you want to please God then accept his Son, Jesus and rejoice in the simpicity that is in Christ!"
ReplyDeleteThere's that new-age, feel-good, do-whatever-you-want mindset at the real heart of this issue, and this earth age. G-d gave the Torah (commands, instuctions, laws) Whenever the Bible refers to lawless, it means "without Torah." That's why the antichrist is called the man of lawlessness (Torahlessness). That is why "he will cause the sacrifice to cease." because he hates the Torah.
2Co 11:3 But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ.
That's what the Bible says, "simplicity that is in Christ". What does that mean? Read John 3:16 to have an idea.
I am not an advocate of any new age teachings and do not have the attitude I can do whatever I please and there are no consequences. That was a very immature statement on your part.
"If you are too spiritally and mentally lazy to do that, that is your perogative, but when you try to hack down true students of YHVH's word with your regurgitated lies, telling others to NOT keep the Commmandments of G-d, making you no different than every other belief out there, then that's when it goes from foolish to reprehnsible."
I am not spiritually lazy as you state.
First you are a student of the Torah, not the enitre Word. All you do is refer to the Torah.
Secondly my regurgitated lies? When did I tell anyone not to obey the commandments of God? Never said such a thing. What I said was there is no obligation to perform sacrifices. Or is that a commandment that I missed? True, God told the Jews, through Moses, to perform various sacrifices, all of which were for good reasons. I do not question that at all. But when Jesus was crucified on the cross He was the perfect Lamb of God sacrificed for the sins of the world. That put an end to sacrifices. Since man had been reconciled with God through the sacred blood of Jesus the performing of sacrifices was no longer required. But you, as the Judaizers that came before you since the day Jesus was crucified, do not accept this and for that you will pay dearly. Either you accept Jesus as the perfect sacrifice ending the need for sacrificing animals to atone for your sins or you are saying that His sacrifice was for nothing.
You Judaizers have been preaching the same thing since the beginning of Christendom. You expect everyone to do as the Torah says or they are lost. Well that is not what Jesus taught. He did not teach sacrifice, he taught baptism, he did not teach circumcision of the flesh but of the spirit, he taught the way to the Father was through Him: John 14:6 "Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me."
You teach the law of Moses, sacrifice, circumcision. When I refer to the Law of Moses I am not talking about the 10 commandments. Jesus did not tell us that we are no longer bound to them. I am talking about the laws God gave concerning the Jewish people while on their journey in the desert concerning living habits and sacrifices, cleanliness etc etc.
Jesus taught us the way of grace. We are saved through grace, it is a gift from God. The only thing he asks of us is belief in Jesus as His Son who came to this world 2000 or so years ago to die for our sins. Don’t get me wrong, I believe in the Old Testament and everything that is written there. But I believe that Jesus gave us a new covenant and that is the New Testament.
Got to go… peace,
Above is a reply to ZACC7775
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone have any input on the correlation between the shape of this podium that the man of sin is standing infront of? and the shape of the burial coffin of the last deceased false prophet his "holiness" Pope John Paul II ? This is all so in your face!
ReplyDeleteI just finished reading all 9 parts. Can somebody please answer this question. Is George W. Bush an evangelical Christian or not? I supported him thinking he was. I don't recall him doing or saying anything in office that we make me think otherwise.
ReplyDeleteGeorge Bush II did say, on many occasions, that The Muslim god Allah is identical to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob - which is, unquestionably, Utter Blasphemy.
ReplyDeletewhat are the commandments of the Son of God?... he said, if you love me keep my commandments...his commandments are to love the Lord your God with all your heart , soul, mind and heart,and to love your neighbor as yourself.
ReplyDeletehe said also.. in these hang all the law and the prophets. he also said, all the law is fulfilled in one word, Love your neighbor as yourself.....
Word of the Lord also says, the just shall live by faith. and those that be of faith are blessed with faithful Abraham....
also, know ye that they that be of faith are the children of Abraham.....
and in the same
those that go back to the law are fallen from grace.
ReplyDeletei used to ponder these questions also about keeping certain laws, until the Lord showed me these verses. that the just shall live by faith and that we are the children of Abraham.
ReplyDeleteThis article is about the most ridiculous read that I have seen in a long time. It is really reaching to even insinuate the things mentioned.
ReplyDeleteGod controls the hearts of Kings as He does the channels of the waters.
This world was created by God, not the United States or any man, and He the Lord thy God is still in command of it.
Nothing escapes His eyes, and the history of this world is in his hands.
Jesus is the answer to our world problems, and even when man is not doing his part, Jesus will because it is his creation and plan to fulfill as accordance to HIS WILL.
(I just finished reading all 9 parts. Can somebody please answer this question. Is George W. Bush an evangelical Christian or not? I supported him thinking he was. I don't recall him doing or saying anything in office that we make me think otherwise.)
ReplyDeleteHe makes that claim but he does not walk the walk. Ozzy in the white house, sick jokes about WMD when American kids are dyin in a war he got us into, he worships in bhuddist temple, says all gods are the same and a slew of other garbage that quite frankly has nothing to do with Christianity and lots to do with NWO Illuminati doctrine. Bush is not a Christian and therefore no where close to an evangelical.
“This article is about the most ridiculous read that I have seen in a long time. It is really reaching to even insinuate the things mentioned. “
ReplyDeleteYou need to open your eyes and see what is going on around you. We are heading into the great tribulation period and this article quite frankly is right on the money. Anyone who studies Bible prophecy can see these things clearly.
“God controls the hearts of Kings as He does the channels of the waters.
This world was created by God, not the United States or any man, and He the Lord thy God is still in command of it.”
Yes, God is in control of everything but Satan temporarily has the deed to the earth until all has come to pass. Unfortunately when he beguiled Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden he came to possess the earth to a certain extent. He does not own it but he has a lease that is about to expire. When there were kings and queens (presidents are not kings) they were given their power and authority by God. He chose that type of government for the earth. I will tell you all, democracy is Satan’s choice, not God’s. Who chooses the candiates? The CFR that’s who. Let the people decide? Since when have we made good choices? God is in control of the world but Satan is behind the curtains in all democracies. That’s right, all of them!!!!
When there were kingdoms things were different. kings for the most part took care of their subjects, they loved their countries and their people. Wars were on a smaller scale and not for personal gain like they are today. Sure, there were problems but nothing like what we have today.
“Nothing escapes His eyes, and the history of this world is in his hands.”
Yes, I totally agree. Whatever the evil ones in control of this world do it cannot deviate from Gods plan. Just like satan had to go before God to get permission to test Jobs faith he has to go to God to get permission to do things that pertain to this world. He cannot do anything outside of Gods plan and that is amazing and shows us all that God is in control. That is why Gods prophecies unfold and are coming true in these times. Satan cannot blind us from what God is doing. He tries but anyone who knows Jesus and studies their Bible can see what is going on in the world and know it for what it is... end times!
“Jesus is the answer to our world problems, and even when man is not doing his part, Jesus will because it is his creation and plan to fulfill as accordance to HIS WILL.
All I can say here is AMEN!!!
When the Living God states that Yahshua, will "rule with a rod of iron"- the inference denotes that He will UTILIZE the LAW.
ReplyDeleteFace-it Sabbath ain't for everyone.
However it IS the dividing-line in Heaven.
We are ALL EQUAL in the Messiah, (as we are 'born again').
Yet, observe the division of the Holy Temple. ISRAELITES, (those who keep the Law)- are strategically positioned CLOSER to the LORD, or the "Holy of Holies".
There is a reason for that.
Most Christians refer to Yahshua, as Jesus- most Christians choose to "rest on thier laurels"- of being 'Saved'. Most forget, or neglect- that a true Son of God, continues to aspire towards the Messiah... "from Glory, to Glory".
The COMMANDER, Honored the Sabbath, as well as the "Feast of Lights". Why SHOULDN'T i-?
I'll close with this:
Why does God EXPECT you to follow the FOURTH COMMANDMENT-?
1) It PROVOKES the Jews to JEALOSY. (we coulda converted Jews by the millions from 'jump-street' if we woulda' done this- from 'jump street')
3) Jeremiah 10: Read it with me kids- "THUS SAYETH THE LORD, LEARN NOT THE WAY OF THE HEATHEN"- now, the lord goes-on to deliver-up a impassion dissertation against the pagan 'holi-day' of "Christmas", (actually it's the "Weeping of Tammuz" or "Saturnalia")- has -0- to do with the birth of the Messiah.
In any event, secure the Saturday copy of your local paper. In it, you will find a section advertising religous services. You will find -0- pagan services meeting on Saturday...i say again.
C'mon kids, why do so many "Christians" feast on ham on "Easter", another PAGAN 'holi-day'- Instead of Lamb on PASSOVER-?
NOW- true Sons of God, will be getting closer, and more intimate with the Father, and the Son. Christians who "are Christians in name only"... will find many MORE reasons to not honor the Law of God.
Afterall, if Yahshua DIIED FOR ME- shouldn't i live for HIM?
("the finger of God"- arguably belonged to Yahshua)
LASTLY: If the WORD is INERRANT, and if the WORD, who was with God the Father at CREATION is YAHSHUA.
Then the WORD is YAHSHUA, (who by the way, claimed He never showed-up to destroy the Law).
Come-out of Egypt kids, (the WATER's fine).
Thank all of you who love the Messiah and love the Torah.
ReplyDeleteTodah for backing me up.
I intended to warn people not to oppose the alter being rebuilt and making sacrifice. It appears many already side with the Anti-messiah. They hate the Law. The Messiah may not know them, they are lawless. (Matt 7)
I could speak to some of the the things said, but it would just confuse. To talk to me, go to my blog. The end time battle is shaping up really fast.
Ha ha, it's seems some of our friends have set aide the "tutor" a little too quickly! They don't understand the law, and thus, they don't understand the Messiah.
John 5:46
For had ye believed Moses, ye would have believed me; for he wrote of me.
Neither the Messiah or any of the disciples broke commandments.
They also never, in any scripture taught men to do otherwise.
You cannot separate the Messiah from the Law. To accept one is to accept the other.
Please, learn this and learn it fast.
A very interesting article by Tom Horn.
ReplyDeleteI am thankful for the information. I remember seeing the "pillars" on the stage at the Democratic National Convention and thinking they were "hokey" but combined with what I learned in here today - well, I already knew that Obama was/is complicit in the construction of The New World Order, and a tool in the hand of the deceiver of the nations, but this "new" info just adds to knowledge, and increases faith.
As for the debate going on in here between the "judaizers" and the "christians". I must say that that the "christians" are doing a much better job of sharing their message in LOVE.
I say in love, not weakness, and not "fluffiness".
I am a child of God through Christ, and I too know the Fathers voice for I am of the sheepfold.
May God Bless us all with wisdom, and discernment in these matters.
[2Co 11:3 But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ.]
ReplyDeleteI study scripture from the Hebrew and Greek. Greek word for 'simplicity' is 'haplotes' it means 'without hypocrisy, not self seeking, with mental honesty'.
That is my purpose therefore I study Torah (Gen, Ex, Lev, Num, Deut for those who do not realize that the Torah really is scripture)...I study Torah because I want to understand what Y'shua and the apostles are teaching us in the New Testament. You claim to know Jesus told us not to do sacrifices and feasts, but do you really know this when you do not even know what/when they are, their purpose, how they are done,etc.?
You trust a man to teach you. But who will speak for you when you are before God? That pastor will be on his own as well. What if he was wrong in what he taught you?
Reread Peter's sheet of unclean creatures vision...he interprets it himself in a far different way than your pastor. He clearly did not begin to eat snakes after this. But your pastor would have you believe it.
Paul sacrificed for himself and others in the Temple in Acts. You do not know the purposes of the sacrifices so you do not even know which sacrifices Jesus fulfilled and which he still requires because you have not 'studied to show yourself approved as Paul commands us.'
James told Paul in Acts to teach people to keep the commands...the four things he mentioned encompass most of the commands in just a very simplified version! Jesus' words to love God and neighbor...same thing he said himself that the entire law and prophets hang on these two things and he was really quoting from Deut and from Hillel a Jewish rabbi in the Talmud! Bet you pastor didn't tell you that:) The 10 commandments are just a summary of the others as well. It is a Hebraic way of endorsing the rest and helping us remember how to obey.
Paul says the feasts ARE a shadow (check the Greek tense is really a continuous action)of things to come. Therefore we practice the feasts to prepare us for the end times. You will be amazed what you learn by DOING which is the Hebraic way of learning scripture!
It is not legalistic, but just loving Jesus as he commands in the New Testament so many times. God teaches us HOW to love Him in the commands. Without the commands, how would I know how He defines love? I don't want to know the world's definition, but only God's!!!
Remember Jesus warning in John that the shepherds are just hirelings and do not really care for the sheep. If you couldn't pay your pastor would he stay? If he felt God tell him Saturday was the real Sabbath would he have the courage to tell the congregation?
You do not know the definition of Judaizer. A Judaizer is one who expects circumcision as evidence of conversion. I don't see anyone saying that here. But if the antichrist is against Torah, I'm all for Torah and sacrifices. I do not want to be on the same side as the anti christ as you seem to want:(yuk!!!
Jesus called those who deceived the flock 'brood of vipers' and 'white washed tombs'. So if the shoe fits...I'll let Him decide.
But I don't think people are off base to leave the cotton candy sweetness out of their comments when it is this important.
It will all come out in the end and the picture is sweet for the true Bride!
John MacArthur wrote against keeping the feasts and he used a lot of New Testament scriptures to back up his arguments. Problem was he doesn't know enough about the sacrifices or the feasts or the rest of the law to know that the scriptures he cited were not even about those.
So those scriptures that you pastor cites against Torah...you better check it out for yourself because he hasn't studied it enough to know what he is talking about. He is
...Your pastor is only quoting to you what his teachers learned from their teachers from what what was left over from the Catholic church teachings...
ReplyDelete“That is my purpose therefore I study Torah (Gen, Ex, Lev, Num, Deut for those who do not realize that the Torah really is scripture)...I study Torah because I want to understand what Y'shua and the apostles are teaching us in the New Testament. You claim to know Jesus told us not to do sacrifices and feasts, but do you really know this when you do not even know what/when they are, their purpose, how they are done,etc.?”
ReplyDeleteYou guys keep coming back with the same argument. I have studied the sacrifices and the law as given to the Jews. I am not debating the law. I am saying quite clearly, that the need for performing sacrifices is no longer an issue. Jesus was the perfect sacrifice for everyone and when he was crucified the need for sacrifices was terminated. The New Testament is very clear on this issue but you Judaizers just don’t get it. Again, I am not saying that the law as given to Moses is invalid. The sermon on the mount in Matthew 5 makes it very clear. Jesus did not come to destroy the law, or the prophets, he came to fulfill. Matt 5:17 is pretty clear on that issue. So stop saying that we are teaching floks that the law is not valid. That is not the issue fellas. The issue is with the performance of sacrifices.
“You trust a man to teach you. But who will speak for you when you are before God?”
ReplyDeleteFirst Jesus tells me not to put my faith in princes or kings but in Him. That is exactly what I do and I suggest you do the same. As for who will be speaking on my behalf before God, the answer is my advocate who happens to be Jesus Christ Himself. He will be speaking for every Christian that has received Him as their Lord and Saviour. He is the Mediator between man and God.
“That pastor will be on his own as well. What if he was wrong in what he taught you?”
Friend, I am an Independent Fundamentalist Baptist, I believe solely in the authority that is in the Bible. I do not listen to false teachers and those who preach happy-happy, joy-joy doctrine that many Christians seem to love so much. If I go to a chuch and hear one thing that contradicts the Holy Scripture I do not go back. I have walked out of a few when they started with the tongues, tithing, laying on of hands (people flopping around like fish out of water). I find it hard to find a church to go to nowadays because of things like that. The Bible tells me to work out my salvation with fear and trembling and believe me, that is exactly the way I go about it. The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom, and I fear God and take what is in the Bible seriously.
I will say one more thing in closing. If you insist that sacrifices are indeed still needed then you are saying the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross for the sins of the world is a lie and is of non-effect. You are telling God that you don’t accept His Son’s sacrifice and that is a very dangerous thing to be telling the Creator. You are telling God “Your Son was sacrificed for the sins of the world but not for mine”. God does not respect any man and He decides who Jesus died for on the cross. He decides what is His will and what He decides is always perfect. I will ask you, and all those who believe as you do in regards to sacrifices ( is usually get no answer to this). Show me in the New Testament where sacrifices are performed by Jesus or His disciples. Show me where we are told to perform sacrifices. I don’t think you can. As a matter of fact I know you can’t. It is not there. Yes, in Revelation sacrifices are reinstated. But by who? Not by God, but by the anti-Christ. The AC knows that the Judaizers will not accept him if he does not follow the old law and therefore sacrifices will be reinstated but at the mid point they are stopped. Why is that? Because he knows at that point that he can do whatever he pleases and not worry about being exposed for what he is, the anti-Christ. When the anti-Christ comes and the sacrifices begin the Jews will believe that their beloved Messiah has finally arrived when in reality this is the anti-Christ and a false Messiah. They are going to be deceived and end up paying dearly.
"The 10 commandments are just a summary of the others as well. It is a Hebraic way of endorsing the rest and helping us remember how to obey."
ReplyDeleteAre you saying that the commandments were not really given as described? It sounds like you are saying that they are just a summary of the all the laws given during the Exodus of the Jews. The way your comment reads sounds like something that is taught by the Sanhedrin.
“You do not know the definition of Judaizer. A Judaizer is one who expects circumcision as evidence of conversion. I don't see anyone saying that here. But if the antichrist is against Torah, I'm all for Torah and sacrifices. I do not want to be on the same side as the anti christ as you seem to want:(yuk!!!”
ReplyDeleteA Judaizer is anyone who teaches that one needs to adhere to all of the Jewish laws in order to please God and go to heaven. You guys are teaching this doctrine. You don’t think we need to be circumcised? Why do you teach the need for sacrifices but no need for circumcision? It was commanded by God that all males at the age of 8 days be circumcised. You teach one law but not the other? Why?
As for being on the same side of anti-Christ as me is concerned. I think you are right, but not as you think.
For those of you counting...
ReplyDelete643 commandments in the "Old Testament"
1050 commandments in the "New Testament"
Twice as many COMMANDMENTS, in half as many pages.
Love the Law.
Triied and convicted.
Brian 153,
ReplyDeleteIt would appear you don't even know the sacred name.
The Sacred Name (the Four Consonants) is not YHWH, but “YHVH”.
It is the Emphatic form of the Name of God - “Yehovah” - YeHoVaH.
The Sacred Name “YHVH” is the Etymology of “Ehyeh-Asher-Ehyeh” (translated “I Am that I Am”).
How can I be sure?
Look to the Book of Esther. Within this book, in Acrostics, is the Sacred Name “YHVH” (YEHOVAH) 4 times, and the Name “EHYEH” (I AM) Once!
What is an Acrostic? Acrostic: a composition usually in verse in which sets of letters (as the initial or final letters of the lines) taken in order form a word or phrase or a regular sequence of letters of the alphabet.
(Note: The Massorah has a rubric calling attention to this fact, and at least THREE Ancient Manuscripts (dating back to 200-BC) are known in which the Acrostic Letters in all Five Cases are written Majuscular (Larger than the Others), so that they stand out Boldly and Prominently, showing the four consonant letters of the name YeHoVaH (“YHVH”), and the five letters of the Fifth Acrostic, “EHYEH”).
The Companion Bible (original King James version) by Kregel Publications has an Appendix (60) which covers these Acrostics thoroughly, and points out each one!
Exodus 3:6 - “I AM the GOD of thy Father, the GOD of Abraham, the GOD of Isaac, and the GOD of Jacob”.
Exodus 3:13 - And Moses said unto God… “and they shall say to me, ‘WHAT IS HIS NAME?’, what shall I say unto them”?
Exodus 3:14 - And GOD said unto Moses, “I AM THAT I AM”: and He said “Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, ‘I AM’ hath sent me unto you”.
In Verse 15, when he says “This is my name for ever”, he is referring back to “I AM” .
“I AM THAT I AM” - Translated back to the Hebrew, it is “EHYEH-ASHER-EHYEH”. This means “I Am Who I Am” or “I Will Be What I Will Be”!
So, “Ehyeh” means “I Am” or “I Will Be”.
“Yeh” is present in the 2 Most used Names of GOD Throughout the Old Testament:
Yehovah - which means “Eternal or Self Existent”.
Ehyeh - which means “I AM” or “I Will Be”
The Name “I AM” (Ehyeh) appears over 100 Times throughout the first 5 Books of the Old Testament!
Mr Obama seems to be wondering the world with all his dazzle,but many people tend to overlook Mr Javier Solana (EU High Representative for the CFSP).In 1999 he was commissioned to be the Secretary General of the WEU, the European Union's "military arm". He is currently the West's only foreign minister that is capable of deploying troops on the ground.He is a very powerful peace maker,who all government leader have called on in the past to go broker deals.
ReplyDeleteHe has brokered so many peace deals over the last 15 yrs has head of the EU and before when he mas head of NATO.A couple of site that i have found very interesting on the man is ( http://www.prophecynews.co.uk/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=18&Itemid=27 )and ( www.fulfilledprophecy.com/ ) .
Or just key in his name in any search engine.I believe his family backgound in also very deeply involved with the new age .
Dear anonymous, anonymous, and everyone else,
ReplyDeleteI have a christian upbringing, I have the benefit of all of your best arguments. You christians are reading versions and translations, not the actual Scriptures. These translations have many errors in them, causing stumbling blocks. The law stands. I have a blog if you want to talk more.
Anonymous number one, Mr. Independent Fundamentalist Baptist: Your concluding paragraph dealt with very few of the issues discussed in my postings, you are in over your head. Plus, putting words in my mouth, "You are telling God “Your Son was sacrificed for the sins of the world but not for mine."" I never said that! Straw men are not allowed.
Sacrifices: show you where it's written! The law gives instruction for sacrifices, that's where.
As for Renewed Covenant Scripture: Did you not read the part where I wrote about Shaul (Paul) makes sacrifice at the suggestion of Ya'akov (James) in Acts Chapter 21. Read this chapter slowly. My blog talks about these things a little deeper.
Plus, scripture calling it the "Abomination that makes Desolate" indicates that YHVH is in agreement with the restoration of the temple. How can you trash something that isn't clean to start with?
The sacrifices described in the end of Ezekiel and Zechariah are both in union with the Creator and are in the future Kingdom. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
Here's a bonus: if you hold to baptism (mikvah), which is good and commanded by Moses in the Law, then you should up hold the other commandments too. We can't pick and choose which commands we do and do not like.
Anonymous number two, Ok, I was writing for speaking purposes. The sixth letter is best pronounced "waw" in the oldest tongue, but you did an amazing job in educating us on the name, right on! I do not disagree in anyway with anything you said!
Anyone who has questions about sacrifices, print out what I wrote and read the Scripture that I use. With study and some intellectual honesty you will see what I'm saying is closer to the truth then you think.
Listen, the reason we fence with the word is that we all appreciate the Messiah's redemptive work, that is clear. But, loving him means obeying the commandments, that is the testimony of the Scripture.
Peace and joy
I thought you obey the commandments because he is in you, not through your own efforts. Is any man but Messiah capable of keeping the whole law perfectly? No, only Christ fulfilled this and is capable of keeping it. There is a desire to please the Lord, but we are no longer under condemnation, but have this freedom provided in Christ.
ReplyDeleteFirst I would like to make it clear that there is no need for sarcasm, especially when speaking about the Lord. I have been respectful towards you but you have not. My name is not Mr. Independent Fundamentalist Baptist, it is Ray. But you can call the former, I really don’t mind.
You are a Judaizer . You keep harping on sacrifice and the law and are making a very weak argument. Jesus does not require, or even remotely want us to perform sacrifices! Any who say he does is CALLING JESUS (who is part of the Godhead and therefore God) A LIAR!! If you think differently then I suggest you read Hebrews, specifically chapters 9 and 10.
Here is something that you should think about deeply before you go telling folks that they should be performing sacrifices:
Hebrews 10:14-18
“14 For by one offering(His crucifixion) he (Jesus) hath perfected for ever ( that’s always, eternally)them that are sanctified (believers in Jesus).
15 Whereof the Holy Ghost also is a witness to us: for after that he had said before,
16 This is the covenant that I will make with them after those days, saith the Lord, I will put my laws into their hearts, and in their minds will I write them;
17 And their sins and iniquities will I remember no more.
18 Now where remission of these is, there is no more offering (sacrifice) for sin.”
If you can read these verses and say that we are to perform sacrifices then you are calling Jesus a liar and the Holy Ghost a false witness!!
Here is what Jesus did for me and you alike:
Hebrews 10:9 -10:
“9 Then said he, Lo, I come to do thy will, O God. He taketh away the first(Old covenant of law), that he may establish the second (the new covenant of grace) .
10 By the which will we are sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all.”
Notice that it says quite clearly we are sanctified through the offering (sacrifice) of the body of Jesus Christ once for all.” That means His sacrifice is perfect and there is no need for any other!
Peace in Jesus,
Ray (AKA: Mr. Independent Fundamentalist Baptist)
Anonymous said...
ReplyDelete"I thought you obey the commandments because he is in you, not through your own efforts. Is any man but Messiah capable of keeping the whole law perfectly? No, only Christ fulfilled this and is capable of keeping it. There is a desire to please the Lord, but we are no longer under condemnation, but have this freedom provided in Christ."
Yes, YES, YES!!!!!
Eph.2: 8-9;
“8 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:
9 Not of works, lest any man should boast.”
Peace in Christ Jesus,
Not sure if it's been pointed out yet, but that prophecy 'tall black man in the west...' I believe has been debunked. Might be a good idea to remove that portion.
ReplyDeleteHomesteader is writing again. Must be something about to happen.
ReplyDeleteI never said that there needs to be more sacrifices for sin! I am speaking about the temple morning and evening sacrifices: that show ownership of the earth, that Satan will contest in the future.
The Messiah was the Lamb of Elohim sacrifice promised to Abraham, "I will provide a lamb in that place".
There are wave offerings, and grain offerings, libation offerings, there are many kinds of offerings. These offerings are for worship. The mighty one of Israel desires to be worshiped in this way. He is the same yesterday, today and forever.
Peace and Joy
ReplyDeleteYou realize that when the temple is rebuilt and sacrifices are re-instated that it is the anti-christ who is going to be the one who does it? I hope so because that is the way it is written in the Bible. I have no doubt that sacrifices will beginn again. But when they do begin it is going to be the AC who will be praised for it.
Unfortunately many Jews are going to fall for the lie and perish as a result. But on the other hand many will see the truth and stand trong against the AC!
ReplyDeleteI can't say I've specifically read that the Anti-messiah will be the one who starts the sacrifices, but I do know that many scriptures speak of the Abomination that makes Desolate.
It is the Anti-messiah who will STOP these sacrifices, this is the work of evil.
Here is some scripture to back me up on sacrifices:
1) Dan 9:27 "And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate."
You see, it is the stopping of the sacrifice that is a part of the abomination, not doing the word of Yah and giving Him due worship. My point is that the Anti-messiah stops, and is opposed to the proper worship of YHVH, as in Dan 9. Don't be on the Anti-messiah's side.
2) Ez 45:17 "And it shall be the prince's part to give burnt offerings, and meat offerings, and drink offerings, in the feasts, and in the new moons, and in the sabbaths, in all solemnities of the house of Israel: he shall prepare the sin offering, and the meat offering, and the burnt offering, and the peace offerings, to make reconciliation for the house of Israel."
3) Ez 45:16 "All the people of the land shall give this oblation for the prince in Israel."
This temple in Ezekiel, is a future temple, if I understand correctly this particular temple hasn't been built yet. If you are not comfortable worshiping Yah according to His word, maybe you don't really know the Prince of Israel. If you really love the work of the Messiah and understand what he did, you would love and understand sacrifices. They are the same thing. You can't separate the Messiah from his word. Please read this slowly and grasp what I am saying.
Unfortunately, there are people of every walk who are confused about the truth, I have to say most of them are not "Jews". Most Hebrew's are only partially blind says Paul. It will only take one small move of the spirit to remove the blinders. What is your gentile excuse for being blind? When will the blinders come off your eyes?
Dear brother, It is a time of Jacob's trouble, not Judah's trouble. Let's get that straight right now. Those who know the truth will know what that means.
John 5:46 "For had ye believed Moses, ye would have believed me; for he wrote of me."
Baruch Hashem YHWH!!!!!
true obama and pope,as politician and priest,two leaders are the nr 2 which comes after nr 1,but if you consider history moving back to the future,there is a king there to come for both of them as the last human leaders who work for the old world.intersting to see their relations with prophecy and greek myths also.Wait untill 2011 and 2012 comes to see clearly the new world coming where the politics and religion mix as one and know that jews say that messiah will be both,leader and priest as one,no two as now...
ReplyDeleteLet them have their 5 minutes of fame for in the End, The Lake of Fire Awaits them All! Just make sure you don't go under with them.
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ReplyDeleteBABEL ENSUES....soon we will be of one mind without spot. Perhaps the two witnesses will facilitate. I think so.
ReplyDeleteIf you listen to Obama's reverse speech, he is Pharaoh Zeus
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